View Full Version : Canon T2i Settings with Vello Intervalometer

Kenny Hollingsworth
January 20th, 2012, 09:31 AM
I recently purchased a T2i with Vello Shutterboss intervalometer with the intention of using for night time time lapse. The controls on the Shutterboss are simple enough i think. I set it for a shutter of 30", interval of 3 sec and pictures to infinity. On my T2i, I have it set to BULB, manual focus, F4.0 and i have the internal remote setting selected.

When the intervalometer is activated the camera takes 1 pic immediately and then counts down 30 sec before another pic is taken. The 3 sec timer counts down but the picture isnt taken until the LONG shutter of 30 sec counts down. I want it to take a pic every 3 secs with a 30 sec shutter. What am i doing wrong? I assume i must not have the correct setting on my T2i internally. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance.

Kenny Hollingsworth
January 20th, 2012, 01:06 PM
No one has experience with this? I have read every thread on TL that i can find on here. Plenty of info on using the remote but not much on how to set the internal controls on the T2i.