View Full Version : Fs100 battery that would power external monitor also?

Jeff Troiano
January 15th, 2012, 03:11 PM
Hey all,

I saw this picture online

I was looking around, cause I'm thinking of adding a SmallHD DP6 to my kit. From that picture, it looks as if the monitor is using the DTap accessory cable, and tapping into the battery at the back of the fs100. Been searching around B&H's site, and I guess I just don't know what it is I'm looking for, but was curious about a battery for my fs100, that would be able to power the DP6 also. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Or give any advice on whether you think this is good or not? Since I don't have anything other then the stock battery for the fs100, I thought I could double up and get one that could run the camera and monitor. Or, when I buy the monitor, Im considering getting their battery pack for the DP6. I wanted to explore my options. For now, I'll be top mounting the monitor, and was trying to keep the weight down, if possible, by exploring other power alternatives.

Thanks for the help,

John Mastrogiacomo
January 16th, 2012, 12:00 AM
Get the SmallHD batteries for the SmallHD DP6 monitor. I have two of them. They run for 5+ hours and fully charge in 3 hrs. They are very light. I love them because I can take the monitor off the camera and hand it to the director, etc. with no hassle.

Cees van Kempen
January 16th, 2012, 02:11 AM

I use the Swit S-8972 to power my camera and nanoflash. I do not know what input the DP6 monitor requires, but it is worth to have a look at it. Nano/FS100 combi runs about 5 hours on 1 battery charge.
