View Full Version : Dan Chung C300 Films

Mark Dobson
January 13th, 2012, 04:36 AM
There are a series graded / ungraded C300 films and a discussion with the people who were involved in making the film on Dan Chung's Blog.

Don't know how to embed the films in this message but here is the link to the group discussion film and blog.

Dslrnewsshooter C300 discussion on Vimeo

Well worth watching for yet another perspective on the types of jobs this camera will be used for outside of the big bucks 'Hollywood' type of production.

Bob the Aviator - Canon C300 short (ungraded version) on Vimeo

Bob the Aviator - Canon C300 short (regraded version) on Vimeo

DSLR News Shooter | What we thought of the Canon C300 – four working pros give their views (

Chris Hurd
January 13th, 2012, 09:51 PM
Don't know how to embed the films in this message

Just copy & paste the direct URL where the clip lives in Vimeo (to find the URL, click the Vimeo logo and it will take you straight to its location on Vimeo). So all you need to do is post the URL...

...and the forum software does the rest as far as embedding the clip here. I've edited your post above to embed those clips. Hope this helps,

Mark Dobson
January 14th, 2012, 02:28 AM
That's really helpful - thanks Chris.

I had tried that but it didn't reveal itself in preview so assumed it was a different process.

Thanks again

Nigel Barker
January 14th, 2012, 07:39 AM
Just copy & paste the direct URL where the clip lives in Vimeo (to find the URL, click the Vimeo logo and it will take you straight to its location on Vimeo). So all you need to do is post the URL...

...and the forum software does the rest as far as embedding the clip here. I've edited your post above to embed those clips. Hope this helps,Sadly the VBulletin forum software embeds the Flash Player version so viewers with an iPad just see a blank rectangle. Evidently a minor edit of the forum code will embed the HTML5 version to work with iDevices too Youtube (etc.) in HTML5 - Forum (