View Full Version : FCPX Bug (Not Sure ?? )

Robert Bale
January 11th, 2012, 01:13 AM
Hello, can you help on this matter, this has happen from the start, my play head in FCPX seems to go out of sync, i have uploaded a video showing the problem, the only way i can get it to function is restart the computer and is fine for 10 . 15 mins then it happens again. i am not sure if it is me, or the software but i need help with a fix, both macs are up to date with everything, and 16 gig of ram, so i am not sure what to do.
This is the Video Link - FCPX Bug ?? Not Sure - YouTube (
Regards Robert.

Simon Wood
January 11th, 2012, 02:44 AM
It is a bug, I have seen it reported elsewhere and it happens to me occasionally.

It seems to happen to me if I have a large project open with large files, its almost as if there is a memory leak. If you find FCPX starts to slow down then just preempt the bug by restarting the program. This seems to clear the memory and you can continue on again.

I find it rarely happens these days though by doing the following things:

1) Switch off audio skimming unless you need it
2) Switch off video skimming when you don't need it
3) Switch off the audio waveforms unless you need to see them
4) Close down any unnecessary programs running in the background
5) Disable auto background rendering, especially if you are doing a lot of titles and graphics work, and then render what you need periodically

Using proxies or transcoding to ProRes will also help if you are using a resource hungry codec for the project.

Plus also send in a report of the bug to Apple.

William Hohauser
January 11th, 2012, 11:07 AM
It happens to me occasionally and apparently only when I don't transcode to ProRes from h264 files. Usually just stopping playback, parking the head in a different place and resuming fixes the problem. Things that seems to encourage the problem (and I emphasize "seem"): Time Machine starting or my RAID5 array doing routine backup functions.

Robert Bale
January 11th, 2012, 05:20 PM
Hi, thanks , Simon how do i send it to apple as well, because it happens on both my computers, All the time.

William Hohauser
January 11th, 2012, 07:33 PM
Apple - Final Cut Pro - Feedback (

Robert Bale
January 24th, 2012, 07:18 PM
Hi, it seems to be a Bug, i found if you zoom the time line in and out it seems to clear it, but i do know,, small clips its fine, but 40mins Plus it starts to play up, and i have 16gig on a 2.26 Quad Core Mac Pro.

Mark Dobson
January 25th, 2012, 02:43 AM
Yeah, as Rob points out try zooming out from the timeline then zooming back in. For me it only occurs when I'm zoomed in.

It is the most frustrating fault and rest assured you are not the only one to experience it.