View Full Version : Sony TD20V announced!

Matt Sharp
January 9th, 2012, 07:39 PM
Sony announced the HDR-TD20V to replace the TD10. Specs seem about the same save for added GPS and 20MP still images. 60P is still limited to 2D recordings and they dropped the interaxial distance down to about 21mm (according to ubergizmo).

Full HD 3D Handycam Camcorder | HDR-TD20V | Sony USA (

Sony HDR-TD20V Full HD 3D Handycam Camcorder HDR-TD20V/S B&H

Ubergizmo has some comparison photos.

Bruce Schultz
January 10th, 2012, 03:56 PM
I for one got burned on the TD10 by assuming (ahem) that when 24P was mentioned in the Sony brochure it was 2D and 3D modes. It turned out to be true for only the 2D mode. Reading the info on your links, the 24P is mentioned in the same way and alongside the 60P - which you note is valid for 2D recordings only. So I'll need more info as to the 24P in 3D capabilities before I jump on the fanboy wagon.

I already own and operate a Sony NX3D1 which has XLR inputs and does record a true 24P - albeit over 60i for 3D so aside from the smaller IA, I don't see it as an improvement over that camera but at half the price it should make some waves.