View Full Version : Adobe Encore CS5 - Progressive Film to DVD question

Silas Barker
January 9th, 2012, 03:52 PM
Hi guys,
I have a 720p 30fps (29.98) progressive film I ve created.
I have used Virtual Dub to create a pretty nice scaled down version at 480p.

I would like to put it on DVD. When I select the "Progressive" transcode option in Adobe Encore, it looks pretty good on my flatscreen Tv, but it looks horrible on my computer on Windows Media Player or Quicktime. Very bad anti aliasing. (PS it looks great at 480 when I import it into Premiere Pro to see it on a DV preogressive setting).


Ann Bens
January 9th, 2012, 04:34 PM
Assuming you made the film in Premiere, why do you not go directly to Export Media in Premiere and import the file into Encore for authoring.
Or you could use Dynamic Link. Making it an avi is an extra unnecessary step.

Taky Cheung
January 10th, 2012, 09:41 AM
Try to avoid transcoding as much as you can. There are 2 generation loss of quality in your workflow. Downsizing in virtual dub (1st) and then transcode in encore (2nd). Encore uses the inferior mainconcept MPEG encoding engine. You can only get good result in high bitrate.

Silas Barker
January 10th, 2012, 03:25 PM
Thanks for the replys - the AVI is something I had from a previous version of Adobe.

So please answer the question whether I should use the "progressive 7bit" preset for transcoding or leave it on automatic?