View Full Version : 1080p60 Audio

Mike Watson
January 9th, 2012, 08:51 AM

I shot last week on 1080p60. Looks good so far, though I have had to jump through a few hoops to get the video into Final Cut Pro. The vid looks nice when brought to 24p.

All of the clips but one do not require audio. One clip, the end of the piece, the participants shout a phrase into the camera. I cannot get this clip to playback or transcode audio. Even VLC shows "No Audio" for the clip.

I recall the clips having audio when I would play them back in the camera.

Any idea how I can harvest the audio for this clip?

Keith Moreau
January 11th, 2012, 06:09 PM
The FS100 60P Audio, especially if you have it set to LPCM, seems not to be understood by NLE's. I use ClipWrap and Perian to wrap or transcode to Prores and it will translate the LPCM embedded audio into something the NLE's can understand. Clipwrap is a great utility app for AVCHD files.

Oren Arieli
January 11th, 2012, 09:58 PM
Doug Jensen of Vortex Media might want to chime in on this one. According to his "Mastering the NEX FS-100" DVD, Doug recommended Dolby Digital audio format. As an aside, I just picked up the FS-100 last week, and the DVD helped get me up to speed quickly.

Doug Jensen
January 12th, 2012, 07:08 AM
Sorry, I don't have a solution. If all the other clips were okay, then it doesn't sound like it was a problem with your camera settings or workflow. It sounds like you simply have a individual file that is corrupted or has some other technical problem.

If it was me, I'd just start going through some basic troubleshooting steps to see if I could salvage the audio. First, I'd put the memory card back in the camera and try playing back the original clip. If the card has already been reformatted, then I'd restore my clips from my archive backup. Hopefully you have an archive backup of every card. If not, that is something you need to change in your workflow immediately.

So, when the original clip is played back in the camera, is there audio? If not, then you're probably not ever going to be able to salvage the clip. If there is audio, you could just record the playback sound to another device and match it up with video on your timeline. Or you could try re-importing the clip. And you could try putting the clip on a different non-24P timeline.

There are dozens of things to try and it wouldn't take much time. But I would start with playback on the camera, if the sound is not there, then give up and bite the bullet.

Good luck.

Ron Evans
January 12th, 2012, 09:07 AM
I think this is the same issue as with the NX5U LPCM. Not sure if this has been resolved on the MAC for native files but Premiere CS5.5, Vegas and Edius will read LPCM files just fine on a PC so it isn't a general NLE issue. Don't know if CS5.5 for the MAC will work the same as on the PC. I know that users of the NX5U that had this issues with FCP would convert files or use Dolby sound.

Ron Evans

Keith Moreau
January 13th, 2012, 06:14 PM
I use Premiere Pro CS5.5 Mac and I have found that 1080 60P LPCM files imported into Premiere Pro import without audio. All other files with LPCM work fine, and 1080 60P files with AVCHD audio import fine as well. I have had to use Clipwrap to interpret the audio in the 1080 60P LPCM files and I strip out the audio from those 'wrapped' files using Quicktime Player Pro, export as AIFF audio only, then drag those files and line them up with the FS100 video files if I need audio. Its a pain, but at least a workaround is possible.

Doug, I heard you recommended AVCHD audio vs LPCM, can you tell us why you prefer the compressed audio vs uncompressed? I just automatically used LPCM but if there isn't a difference maybe I should just use the AVCHD Dolby audio and avoid this tedious workflow for 60P.


Mike Watson
January 16th, 2012, 03:26 AM
ClipWrap will do it. (Slick program, by the way.) The trial version will convert the first :60 of each clip.

Nothing else I tried would even touch it. Even VLC - and VLC will play anything.