Mark Moreve
January 7th, 2012, 02:24 AM
We did this quick reference video on the c300 so that we could see what focal lengths we wil get on different zooms from a set camera position of about 12 metres.
You may like to see it.
Canon C300 with Canon zoom lenses focal length reference video on Vimeo
Mark Dobson
January 7th, 2012, 05:57 AM
Another really useful post Mark.
Keep them coming.
The 100-400 L looks beautiful - more filmic than the other - probably a more diffused shot through all that glass.
I guess I will use a 17-55 2.8 as my core lens and a shoulder bag on hand with a 10-20wide angle, the 100-400, and a 28mm.
I bought a 28mm lens because of the crop factor on the 7D which turns a 50mm into a 70mm (approx)
I have a 2x extender for the 100-400mm which normally really cuts down the light but I would imagine that with the expanded ISO of the C300 it should work nicely for odd occasions when you need a really long lens.
How did you get on with the scopes or the peaking?
Be great to hear your views on how the camera worked.
Markus Nord
January 7th, 2012, 01:50 PM
Mark, on the last lens, 8-15mm in the end, is that at 8mm?
Pete Bauer
January 7th, 2012, 04:39 PM
Looked to me like he zoomed out to full wide with it.
Mark Moreve
January 7th, 2012, 06:45 PM
Thanks for your comments. I find that I use a mixture of the scopes and also the zebras on the camera. I actually found it a very easy camera to operate. It's just a case of getting used to the button position and rembering that your iris is not on the back of the lens but on one of two places. Which makes pulling stop a bit tricky but I set the iris to its fine position and that made it slightly easier, you still have to be quick on the iris movement though rather than smooth as you have to on a 2/3 rd inch lens.
The 8- 15 was actually only back to the 10 mark as otherwise you see the inside of the lens! Sorry I guess I should have shown that as well but there is a handy limit button on that lens which stops you going that far so I had that switched on.
Hope that helps
Jon Fairhurst
January 8th, 2012, 02:29 AM
On full frame the 8-15mm is an either/or lens. At 15mm you don't crop. At 8mm, you get a circle. Unless you want a partially cropped circle, you zoom to one end or the other.