View Full Version : Converting From Hi8 Analog to AVI

Alan Henderson
January 6th, 2012, 03:19 PM
I converted my old Hi8 tapes to AVI files about 6 years ago.

Went straight from a digital8 camera via firewire into Sony Vegas.

I then added the FX filters Neat Video and a medium unsharp mask.

I would like to improve on what I have done and start from scratch.

Without breaking the bank, what approaches would you take?


Seth Bloombaum
January 7th, 2012, 02:47 PM
A digital-8 cam into Vegas via Firewire can't be improved on very much, unless there was some specific problem with the original captures. You would have created a DV-AVI file in this transfer process, that is, a DV25 codec in the AVI wrapper. Sony's version of this codec is actually quite good. So, I'd suggest starting from those original files if they are available.

Neat Video is fine for removing noise. With too heavy a hand, it can remove desired detail, and look kind of cartoony. I don't know how satisfied you are with the results.

Unsharp mask - another approach to blurring pixels and removing perceivable noise.

Were it me, I'd be looking at the scopes in Vegas, and focusing on blacks being black, whites white, and a good range with good color saturation in between. Color Correction is your primary tool here. If colors are good and only black level and white level need changing, Color Curves is excellent.

But the question is back to you - what don't you like about the previous work? Do you have a sample, even a still, of the original transfer and what you did to it?

Ervin Farkas
January 8th, 2012, 05:15 AM
Alan, as Seth says, you already did what can be done.

I've done tons of testing with old footage, and the Neat Video filter is as good as it can possibly get. Even with Neat, don't go too far, or you will start loosing detail. Old footage is old footage, it does not loose any of the sentimental value because it's scratchy, blurry, or noisy.