View Full Version : My Vegas 11 doesn't slow down my computer anymore

Paul Fierlinger
January 5th, 2012, 06:58 PM
I know a few people were having this problem with Vegas11's build 511 and at one point updating my Nvidia driver seemed to have fixed it, but eventually the mollases dripped back. I had my IT finally take a look at my computer and he decided that it might be Vegas 10 which I still kept in my computer that's conflicting with 11 so he uninstalled it.

Once he did that, none of my graphics programs (TVPaint etc.) would open anymore showing a pop-up that the msvcr.71.dll was missing. My IT downloaded a new one and all my programs leaped to a new life I don't remember them ever having. I e-mailed my IT asking to describe what he had done so that I could share this with others here:

"it's highly possible the new vegas installed the dll which may have caused the problem and when I uninstalled the old vegas it removed that dll which made tvp cry.
so have those having the same problem uninstall the old vegas, and download the msvcr71.dll and copy it to the system32 and syswow64)
I checked my windows 7 pc's one doesn't have a syswow64, my theater pc does."

I hope this might help others.

Jeff Harper
January 6th, 2012, 02:27 AM
Paul, thank you much, very good information. It was most kind of you to share it.

I cannot find where to download the dll file. I have searched the net, including Microsoft's website, and cannot find what looks like a safe source for the file.

If you can find and pass on the information, I would appreciate it!

Paul Fierlinger
January 6th, 2012, 04:24 AM
I've asked my IT and get back to you as soon as I hear from him.

Jeff Harper
January 6th, 2012, 09:36 AM
Paul, thanks!

I've just uninstalled V10, and am having no major issues, but thought I would reinstall the dll for safety's sake, and for future reference.

I've had numerous quirks with this version of Vegas, but have most of them ironed out, a few still remain.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Paul Fierlinger
January 6th, 2012, 09:40 AM
Here is his reply:
I got it from here.
Fix Windows 7 Msvcp71.dll And Msvcr71.dll Missing Error (

you needed it because tvp said it was missing after we uninstalled vegas 10.

be aware this worked for you and may not work for them.

For your info; tvp, or, TVPaint is an animation program specializing in 2D animation. It has many functions similar to an NLE -- namely, a Preview window and timelines for audio and video.

Jeff Harper
January 6th, 2012, 09:47 AM
Paul, thanks.

The reason I will give it a go is because in my search for the file, I've seen numerous posts around the web of issues with this dll with many programs.

After looking at your situation, it likely will have no impact on mine, but I highly doubt it will hurt anything!

Paul Fierlinger
January 6th, 2012, 11:21 AM
Jeff, I hope you'll post how it went. BTW I am amazed how steady all my programs run now -- even Directory OPUS.

Gerald Webb
January 6th, 2012, 08:17 PM
Reading this with interest, may explain some things, or not.....
Just did a clean install of Win 7 so only had Vegas 11 64 on it. Using it over the last 4-5 days I have had maybe 1 or 2 crashes, not much for me.
One thing that is evident is now when it hangs for a moment, it comes back, Previous install it never did, once it hung if I clicked again it was certain white screen and all over.
GPU is still slower than CPU, but ive had no crashing.
Like Jeff said earlier, clean install seems to fix a lot of things, some known, and some not.

Paul Fierlinger
January 7th, 2012, 07:28 AM
What was occurring to me was that Vegas would work normally when first opened, but within 10 or 15 minutes of editing would slow down to such a degree that just placing my cursor from one point to the next would cause a white-out and I would have to wait several seconds for Vegas to catch up.

The equivalent of this would start happening in any other software I would use. Then, after rebooting, the process would start all over again; from normal operations to dripping molasseses. But if I wouldn't open Vegas, everything would work properly; only opening Vegas and working with it for a short period of time would cause everything to slow down. If I would shut Vegas down, things would improve a bit with the other programs.

A clean uninstall and reinstall of Vegas helped, but only for about a day; or upgrading Nvidia's driver helped for about 3 or 4 days. I lived with this for several weeks, hoping Sony would come out with a patch. I then noticed on the Task Manager that Vegas kept running even after being closed.

When nothing came forth, I called in my IT and he fixed it by finding by chance the faulty .dll. as I described at the top of this thread. I have now been working intensely with all my programs for several days (I work 12 to 16 hrs every day) and it seems that all is holding up with the replacement of the .dll.

I am frankly surprised that more people are not reacting to this thread (on both forums) because by the volume of earlier complaints that sounded very close to what I was experiencing, I thought I was not by far not the only person experiencing this strange slowdown of my entire computer and only after upgrading to build 510/511. Now I'm beginning to think that I might have had a unique bad experience which, although caused by Vegas, was occurring to me only because of my running TVPaint together with Vegas.
I know of other TVPaint animators who work in conjunction with Vegas, but not as intensively as I do.

Jeff Harper
January 7th, 2012, 08:38 AM
Paul, FYI I will keep you posted, been so busy haven't had a chance to instll the dll, but like you Vegas is running SO much better for me, and the latest release did not hurt things at all, it was a huge improvement.

Steven Thomas
January 26th, 2012, 12:25 AM
I'll let you know if it helps me. Installed 11 and kept 10. I'm seeing the same issue, runs extremely slow.
- it takes a while to actually display the preview frame when clicking around on the time line.

Rendering times are mind blowing slow....

If I uninstall 10, it's going to screw up my shared plugins. I wonder if just over writing these files without uninstalling 10 will do the same thing?

Ian Stark
January 26th, 2012, 01:40 AM
Steven, uninstalling 10 won't affect your third party plug-ins. They will still be there in 11.

Jeff Harper
January 26th, 2012, 03:33 AM
Ian is absolutely correct, as usual, Steven. Uninstalling 10 has no downside, except it's uninstalled and you can't access it anymore. The newest version of 11 is pretty darned stable, I would go for it. I was getting some crashes but they have subsided, it might have been something other than Vegas causing it, have no idea.