View Full Version : How do I make links in DVD Menu loop back???

Jeff Green
January 2nd, 2012, 09:47 AM
Hi guys! I have a DVD MEnu in DVDA 5.2 with 5 pages of Scene Selection and 6 links per page except the fifth page which has only 1. I want each link to loop back to the Scene Select Page it is located on. How is this done???

If you can step by step the process for me that would be great ecause I have tried what I have read elsewhere and it just doesn't seem to work.

Thank you for any and all help!! Happy New Year too!!

Jeff G

Don Bloom
January 2nd, 2012, 01:53 PM
open the link from the page it's on, then go to PROPERTIES set the END ACTION to point back where you want it to go.
That should take care of it for you.