View Full Version : Stripes in capture?

Bryan Gilchrist
December 31st, 2011, 01:05 PM
I shot a video of a friend singing. Shot in HDV, 24 FPS, captured with the same specs.

When I capture the video in Premiere Pro CS5, I seem to be getting horizontal stripes (see attached image).

Anyone know what might be causing this?

Chris Soucy
December 31st, 2011, 02:21 PM
Hi, Bryan...................

First off, connect the camera to a HDTV using the Component port and play the video direct.

VERTICAL stripes? Camera problem.

No stripes, PP problem.

Whatever, I cannot think what it can be in either.


Bryan Gilchrist
December 31st, 2011, 09:08 PM
Has to be a PP problem because I've used the same settings in FCS and didn't have any problems. This is the first time in some time, however, that I've tried to import into PPCS5. Oddly enough, the stripes don't show when I am capturing.

From what I am gathering, it may be a codec thing.

Anyone else have this problem importing into CS5 using an XH-A1?

And sorry about the "horizontal". Meant to type vertical. :)

Chris Soucy
December 31st, 2011, 10:40 PM
Well, it might be worthwhile asking the mods to transfer this to the appropriate PP Forum, as it would appear NOT to be a XH problem after all.


Mike Beckett
January 1st, 2012, 02:38 AM
I've had that in PP CS5 too, it's some sort of rendering problem in the preview window. I'm using a Sony NX70 with AVCHD footage, and I saw the same with footage from my Panasonic camcorder. I'm certain it's not a camera issue.

It only happened with certain types of footage; and I haven't seen it for months now, which suggests to me that maybe an update to my graphics drivers or something like that may have fixed it.

Bryan Gilchrist
January 3rd, 2012, 07:03 PM
Just as an update, I ran the same footage through Movie Plus X5 and didn't have any problems whatsoever.

Figures it would work in the $49 software but not the $1,200 software. :(

Bryan Gilchrist
January 3rd, 2012, 08:48 PM
Follow up: Found out it had nothing to do with PP5 or Canon.

I did some more searching on the net and found out there can be an issue with Win 7/64 and the 1394 drivers, so I deleted them, rebooted and allowed them to re-install and it works fine now.

Of course, my $49 software wont see the camera now.

(bangs head on desk)

Chris Medico
January 3rd, 2012, 09:04 PM
Go into device driver and select "legacy" 1394 drivers and reboot. See if that fixes the software issue.

Bryan Gilchrist
January 4th, 2012, 09:03 AM
It's working in PP5 now, so I'm not going to mess with it. I don't use Movie Plus X5 all that much, although it is good for the quick edits.