Gerald Webb
December 19th, 2011, 12:48 AM
Hey people, Ive been doing a few longer projects and a few things are really sapping my time, and cramping my mouse hand. Im hoping someone has some better ways.....
1. CC. Say you have a multi cam project, one of your cams is 10 files (spanning, turn on turn off, or whatever). This cam needs a general adjustment, say a bit brighter to match the other cams.
I thought I was onto a solution by nesting the whole cam in another project , then importing the veg and CCing just once to the veg. It worked a treat,
come render time it was hideous, Cineform 1080p rendering at 3 to 4 frames a second compared to non nested being almost real time.
I cant believe I cant copy and paste CC in the BIn, you have to go through and do each file individually. Best I could do was save each cams CC as a filter package, then apply that to each cam file in the bin.
Is there a way to apply FX to all files in one bin? Do one, copy, highlight all then paste.
Is there a plug in to do this?
2. Titles made in After Effects, saved as Lagarith with alpha channel.
Every one when brought into Vegas has to be right clicked, properties, media, etc..... 7 mouse clicks to change alpha channel to straight from none. 7 click isnt a big deal just once, but 40 times is painful.
Tried saving in properties, but because its for an avi, it doesnt seem to work.
any helpful ideas are really welcome.
1. CC. Say you have a multi cam project, one of your cams is 10 files (spanning, turn on turn off, or whatever). This cam needs a general adjustment, say a bit brighter to match the other cams.
I thought I was onto a solution by nesting the whole cam in another project , then importing the veg and CCing just once to the veg. It worked a treat,
come render time it was hideous, Cineform 1080p rendering at 3 to 4 frames a second compared to non nested being almost real time.
I cant believe I cant copy and paste CC in the BIn, you have to go through and do each file individually. Best I could do was save each cams CC as a filter package, then apply that to each cam file in the bin.
Is there a way to apply FX to all files in one bin? Do one, copy, highlight all then paste.
Is there a plug in to do this?
2. Titles made in After Effects, saved as Lagarith with alpha channel.
Every one when brought into Vegas has to be right clicked, properties, media, etc..... 7 mouse clicks to change alpha channel to straight from none. 7 click isnt a big deal just once, but 40 times is painful.
Tried saving in properties, but because its for an avi, it doesnt seem to work.
any helpful ideas are really welcome.