View Full Version : New update for Pro 11

Mike Kujbida
December 16th, 2011, 02:43 PM
Merry Christmas from Sony:)
Sony Creative Software - Download: Vegas Pro 11.0 (

Notable fixes/changes in version 11.0 (Build 510/511)

Updated Sony AVC format render template customization to support AVCHD 2.0.
Added StreamChase® feature for editing media while it is being ingested by an XDCAM® Professional Media Station.
Added Sony Tablet presets to Sony AVC format.
Improved performance for MVC reading.
Added support for 24p MVC as well as support for additional 3D cameras (such as the Panasonic Z10000).
Re-enabled support for “Mono (multiple)” templates for AIFF and Wave formats.
Add the ability to create folders in Compositors window.
Added Titles & Text Scroll Left preset for creating text crawls.
Extended Titles & Text animation from first line to all lines for built-in presets.
Added GPU acceleration for Pan/Crop rotation as well as Track Motion rotation, shadow, and glow.
Added GPU acceleration for all track compositing modes.
Added GPU acceleration to the Swap, Push, Slide, Squeeze, Spiral, Zoom, Barn Door, and Split transitions.
Added GPU acceleration to the Invert effect.
Added GPU acceleration to the Checkerboard generator.
Improved GPU-accelerated image quality for downscaled images.
Implemented some performance improvements in ProType Titler and Titles & Text generators.
The cursor now stops at the exact end of a recorded event when recording is paused (for example, when using the Enter key).
Upload to YouTube has been updated according to the YouTube specification: commas (not spaces) are used to delimit tags, and single-character tags are not allowed.
Projects burned to Blu-ray Disc from the timelines now show elapsed time on hardware players.
Fixed a crash that could occur when creating transitions using NumPad * or -.
Fixed a crash that could occur when using audio plug-ins protected with PACE iLok system.
Fixed a crash that could occur when rendering to ATRAC Advanced Lossless format.
Fixed a crash that could occur when exiting the application after playing back time stretching on audio events.
Fixed a crash that could occur when opening certain unsupported MXF files.
Fixed an issue with Burn Timeline to Blu-ray Disc that caused an invalid Blu-ray image to be created when using the MainConcept MPEG-2 video format.
Fixed an image glitch that could occur with GPU-accelerated MainConcept AVC rendering.
Fixed an issue with GPU accelerated Sony AVC rendering using AMD Catalyst 11.10 or 11.11.
Fixed an issue reading MPEG-2 files with non-Latin characters in the file name or path.
Fixed an issue displaying certain non-Latin characters in ProType Titler and Titles & Text.
Fixed issues when using nonsquare pixel aspect projects with some video plug-ins.
Fixed an that prevented double-clicking an OFX pop-up fader from setting the correct default value.
Fixed an issue where transitions would not appear on the Transition shortcut menu.
Fixed an issue with Chroma Keyer changing colors when used in 32-bit floating point mode without GPU acceleration.
Fixed an issue with Pixelate producing incorrect output when used without GPU acceleration.
Fixed issues with Color Curves and Levels when used with images containing transparent alpha channels.
NVIDIA drivers prior to R270 are not allowed for GPU-accelerated video processing as they can cause crashes.
Fixed Paste Event Attributes to also paste OFX keyframes.
Fixed an issue that could cause events to use the wrong media in certain circumstances (seen when project is later loaded).
Fixed scroll wheel support for devices with high-resolution scroll wheels.
Fixed an issue that prevented mouse clicks from selecting the active multicamera take when external monitor full-screen view was enabled.
Fixed duplicate devices that could be displayed in Device Explorer.
Fixed issues with External Controls not being detected when added and MIDI learning in Control Configure not working.
Fixed an issue with closing audio ports when Close audio and MIDI ports when not the active application was enabled in Preferences > General.

Nicholas de Kock
December 16th, 2011, 02:50 PM
Thanks Mike!

Adam Stanislav
December 16th, 2011, 02:52 PM
Merry Christmas from Sony:)

Thank you, Mike. :)

Mike Prendergast
December 17th, 2011, 10:01 AM
Thanks Mike. Any special instructions for re-install? Just do the install or should Vegas be removed first?

Mike Kujbida
December 17th, 2011, 10:28 AM
Thanks Mike. Any special instructions for re-install? Just do the install or should Vegas be removed first?

Sorry Mike but, as I don't have Pro 11 on my machine yet, I can't say for sure.
With all previous versions, I've installed the new one over top of the old one and never had any problems.

Michael Ojjeh
December 17th, 2011, 10:51 AM
does anyone knows why you cannot paste into the text media, I thought this update will have it.

Adam Stanislav
December 17th, 2011, 12:31 PM
Thanks Mike. Any special instructions for re-install? Just do the install or should Vegas be removed first?

No, just install it. It will find where you have your v.11 installed and will replace whatever files have changed. That way you do not even have to re-enter your serial number.

After I installed it and ran it for the first time, it told me that a new version was available and asked if I wanted to download it. Clearly a minor bug since it did not check that it was the new version. I just dismissed the message and it never came back.

Other than that, it seems to take a lot longer to load than before. It still fails to show stereoscopy in full screen with nVidia’s active 3D glasses. No new problems so far.

James Kuhn
December 17th, 2011, 12:31 PM
I submitted a Trouble Ticket to Sony and I received the 'v 511' link. Since downloading the update, VP 11.0 seems stable. I think in my case the ' NVIDIA drivers prior to R270 are not allowed for GPU-accelerated video processing as they can cause crashes.' where giving me trouble. I have a Quadro 4000 GPU, every time I would try to update my drivers, I'd get an error message stating the nVidia Driver was not not compatible with the OS.

We'll see how it goes.


Jeff Harper
December 17th, 2011, 02:07 PM
I'm very pleased with Sony's diligence in addressing issues. My hats off to the Vegas team.

Dennis Vogel
December 17th, 2011, 03:00 PM
Any idea why Sony has dropped the "a, b, ..." suffix to differentiate updates? It seems as build number is the way they are doing it.

Duane Adam
December 17th, 2011, 04:53 PM
I can confirm that my plugins requiring i-lok now work. That was a quick fix, thanks.

Jeff Harper
December 18th, 2011, 03:28 AM
I'm very happy. I've been editing for hours with no crashes. I'm receiving a new video card (I sent RMA'd my old one to EVGA and they are sending me a new one) so I'm going to try GPU acceleration again here soon.

This edition of V11 seems rock solid for me. Well done Sony!

Where can I message Sony directly? I never use the forums there, but I'd like to let them know their work is appreciated. If anyone knows, please share that info with me.

Adam Stanislav
December 18th, 2011, 11:45 AM
Where can I message Sony directly? I never use the forums there, but I'd like to let them know their work is appreciated. If anyone knows, please share that info with me.

That information is available at Sony Creative Software - Support - Contact Us (

Jeff Harper
December 18th, 2011, 02:20 PM
Thanks Adam. Been editing for 12 hours straight, just had my first crash, pretty minor.

Magnus Helander
December 18th, 2011, 05:03 PM
Added GPU acceleration for Pan/Crop rotation as well as Track Motion rotation, shadow, and glow.

Ah, thank you. Frame rate dropped from 50fps to 3fps after adding the Track Motion shadow...

Adam Stanislav
December 18th, 2011, 10:55 PM
You’re most welcome, Jeff. :)

Jeff Harper
December 20th, 2011, 03:26 AM
Several days of edting, and one minor crash. This is phenomenal. I've also found that my Ultimate S buttons on the toolbar do not disappear as they used to in mid-editing with Vegas 10.

Tom Bostick
December 24th, 2011, 03:17 PM
im very pleased with the latest 64 bit version, im rendering with gpu and no problems so far!

Jeff Harper
December 24th, 2011, 03:34 PM
I got a new card (refurb from EVGA) and preview with gpu is still no good. I cannot preview "best" quality 1080i 3 cams with or without gpu without major slowdowns. Sucks.

Ron Evans
December 25th, 2011, 08:37 AM
I use Vegas and Edius Jeff. If you want full frame rate, full resolution , multicam playback try Edius. I have just edited 5 track AVCHD 1920x1080i show, multicam at full frame rate and resolution with no problems on my system. My system is not top of the line its a Z68 board with i7 2600K , 8G RAM, Win7 64 Home Premium, GTX560 ( though Edius only uses for some filters which I do not use anyway). Edius does use the Intel QuickSync for h264 export though resulting in Bluray export to h264 at less than half realtime. I use the SPARK HD board to monitor timeline on a HD TV.

I use Edius for video and Vegas for audio ( not a strong point of Edius) and DVD Architect 5.2 to author.

Ron Evans

Jeff Harper
December 25th, 2011, 09:01 AM
Ron, I have a I7 980 processor running a 4.2ghz, and the footage is on $2k worth of SAS drives, so it's getting old now dealing with this. I have invested much more money than I would have needed to do with Edius, for sure.

I'm aware, because of your talking about Edius for a couple of years, how great Edius is for preview.

What about ease of use, and how's the transition from Vegas?

Ron Evans
December 25th, 2011, 09:21 AM
I have no problem switching between them. But have been using Vegas since its audio only days. I have Shuttle Pro and have this set up so that it controls both programs the same. There is a little learning curve but not as different as say CS5.5 and there are good training videos available that are worth viewing FIRST. All my multicam is in Edius but I often use Vegas for a simple single track family video and always use Vegas/Sound Forge for audio. They complement each other for my use. With both installed the Canopus HQ codec is available to Vegas ( sort of competitor to Cineform) allowing easy transfer between the programs if needed.

Ron Evans

David Delaney
January 4th, 2012, 11:06 AM
Does any new version (after 8) handle the HV20 24p pulldown? I know the Premiere can, but I haven't kept up with the new Vegas updates.