View Full Version : Low light? check this out!

Rainer Halbich
December 16th, 2011, 11:53 AM
I got sick of the low light conditions and I hate to ad gain to my shots so I made this. It is a 110 watt Portable hot shoe light.

It is not cinema quality but for documentary/ wedding videos it is fine.

Image 0536: F1;8 1/25ss 0 gain 3200 kelvin WB Light off.
Image 0537: F1;8 1/25ss 0 gain 3200 kelvin WB one light on.
Image 0538: F1;8 1/25ss 0 gain 3200 kelvin WB two lights on.
Image 0539: F1;8 1/25ss 10 gain 3200 kelvin WB Light off.
Image 0540: F1;8 1/25ss 10 gain 3200 kelvin WB one light on.
Image 0541: F1;8 1/25ss 10 gain 3200 kelvin WB two lights on.

Maurice Covington
December 16th, 2011, 02:56 PM
Can you number the pictures, the sequence seems to be off.

Rainer Halbich
December 16th, 2011, 04:27 PM
the first 2 pictures does not count.

Kawika Ohumukini
December 16th, 2011, 07:03 PM
The XA10 does have great low-light sensitivity. Here's a time-lapse of a sunrise I just posted. I took it over the weekend out at Indio in the high desert in California.

Sunrise Over Indio - Canon XA10 on Vimeo

Jeff Harper
December 17th, 2011, 03:55 PM
Ranier, nice job, but the light appears to be a bit hot in the center. The cheap 96 or 120 leds are under $100, and the spread tends to me more even and wide. Just a thought.

Rainer Halbich
December 18th, 2011, 06:29 PM
I know, I added plastic plates to attach a diffusion gel. The glass is sandblasted. It is impossible to get good quality light from a portable hot shoe light. This is more for the documentary style videos.
Also, the closer the object the brighter it is, I don't see a way around that problem unless you use proper lights.

If you use the night mode in Black and white combined with this light you can't see any image noise at all.

Here is another comparison.
Image 570: SS 25/1 F 1:8 0db gain WB set to tungsten preset, Light off
Image 571: SS 25/1 F 1:8 0db gain WB set to tungsten preset, One light on.
Image 572: SS 25/1 F 1:8 0db gain WB set to tungsten preset, Two lights on.
Image 573: SS 25/1 F 1:8 10db gain WB set to tungsten preset, Two lights on.