View Full Version : "Trigger" - Short Film.

Bob Hart
December 13th, 2011, 07:58 AM
After its tour of festivals including a side exhibition at Cannes, "Trigger" is finally availble for public free view on the web.

On the strength of what they achieved with this one, there is now a feature in the works. What is not readily apparent is the heavy duty work done in post. The beautiful old opera hall and other buildings are part of the closed Swanbourne Mental Hospital complex which is under resotration. The interior had been heavily graffitied and some of the heritage balistrading had been stolen.

The underscore is a delight to listen to. For the piano work, they cast a hand double who was a very accomplished classical musician at age 13.

My connection?? I went along on some days of the shoot as a sort of odd-jobber. It was an enjoyable gig. Pre-production was very thorough. When anything went pear-shaped, there was always a plan B, so no one's time was wasted.


Buba Kastorski
December 14th, 2011, 02:07 PM
great sound , great picture, great story - just beautiful!
thanks for sharing!

Bob Hart
December 15th, 2011, 10:35 AM
I thought someone would enjoy.

They have also posted a behind the scenes but I don't have a link for it just yet. The BTS showed the befores and afters they did in cleaning the graffiti and putting back the heritage balustrading on the stairways.

The "descending crane" shot of Jeremy Levi entering the stage area was actually a curved ramp and a dolly. They shot a reference still of the same frame before adding the ramp and CGI'ed the ramp out afterwards. Amazing stuff they did and it was 5D and 7D cameras they used.

They actually shot another assassination scene in a machinery yard to establish the main character on a Sony PMW-EX3/Letus Extreme groundglass adaptor combination just before the 7D and 5D cameras became available. This scene was not used in the final movie.

Chris Medico
December 15th, 2011, 11:38 AM
The behind-the-scenes is on Vimeo. Its well worth a watch too.


Bob Hart
December 15th, 2011, 09:38 PM

Thanks for making that clip accessable.

It was an enjoyable gig to be on. They did all the legwork and preparation absolutely thoroughly beforehand, location survey, storyboard etc., It showed on the shoot days. I did not hear any cross words at all between anyone.

I would have thought that having two directors would be conflictual and confusing but this was not the case.

The rest I think is covered in the BTS footage.

I'm looking forward to their feature which is not based on the Trigger story but something entirely different.