View Full Version : NEX-FS100 Reel

Dimitris Mantalias
December 11th, 2011, 03:59 PM
We did this one as a showcase at a presentation about the camera. We tried to show many of the camera's feautres, based on various projects we've made. Shooting with photo lenses (FD in our case), shooting with the default 18-200 lens and autofocus, lowlight ability, 1080p50 as well as the super slo-mo. Ok the last one drops the quality and gives aliasing problems, but it is no secret, and after all, we don't consider it as a primary feature, but a nice "toy" (but I admit, I really love it). :)

Sony NEX-FS100 Showreel on Vimeo

Erwin Vanderhoydonks
December 11th, 2011, 04:07 PM
...Shooting with photo lenses (FD in our case), shooting with the default 18-200 lens and autofocus,...

Thanks for sharing this great demo.
But can you tell me more about the image quality of these 2 lenses. which one has the best Image Quality (sharpness, contrast, color, things like that...)
Tanks for your feedback... and keep on shooting...

Dimitris Mantalias
December 11th, 2011, 04:31 PM
Thanks Erwin. Actually using the default 18-200 or photographic lenses, are day and night experiences. We use the first for more run-n-gun stuff, weddings for example. Still, it's totally great experience because the quality is very nice and the autofocus actually works great too! But using an adaptor for photographic lenses (be it Canon, Sony, Nicon, doesnt matter. We just had Canon FD lenses, so we went for the FD adapter). is the dream. Being a DSLR user for years, I found peace with this camera. Why? Minimum to no rolling shutter, no moire, proper antialiasing, and of course, no overheating. It's a real camera, doing the real thing. Also the DOF is almost exactly the one you get in cinema (with proper lenses of course).

But in few words, if you want the quality and doing staged filming, FD or Zeiss or A or Nikon lens or anything photographic, is the solution. Regarding clarity, 18-200, good as it is, can't beat those lens.

Mike Watson
December 11th, 2011, 05:07 PM
Great demo.

I usually don't offer unsolicited advice, but the music track has a very high pitched squeal in it that I found grating and several other folks in the room while I watched it noticed. It is very offputting, and I didn't want you to be taken by surprise. :-)

Dimitris Mantalias
December 11th, 2011, 05:19 PM
Thanks Mike. About the music, I never thought about it, haha! :) Actually we showed this in huge screens and with VERY powerful sound system. Maybe we did some damage, who knows. :) But Sony's top people who were there were VERY excited about this, and liked the music as well! :) But now you said that, well, maybe some people freaked out.

Warren Kawamoto
December 11th, 2011, 08:19 PM
I noticed that all of the dark areas are muddy blue instead of crisp black. Was this intentionally done in grading?

Chad Whelan
December 11th, 2011, 11:53 PM
Dimitris! Love it man!

Dimitris Mantalias
December 12th, 2011, 12:59 AM
I noticed that all of the dark areas are muddy blue instead of crisp black. Was this intentionally done in grading?

Yes, its all in the color grading. :)

Duncan Craig
December 12th, 2011, 04:18 PM
The music sounds great in my cans, and your visuals just makes me want this camera even more!

Junior Pascual
December 15th, 2011, 03:16 PM
Very nice!

Dylan Couper
December 15th, 2011, 04:24 PM
Yes, its all in the color grading. :)

Some of the grading choices are.... interesting?

What did you do the slow motion in? It looks decent compared to other results I've seen from it.

Dimitris Mantalias
December 18th, 2011, 01:47 AM
Well, since this was made with no client in mind, we took the liberty to color correct it as we felt. :) As for the slow motion, those very slow moves were done by shooting at 100fps mode and high shutter speeds and then Twixtor. When you twixtor with a high shutter footage, the results are always really nice.

Doug Jensen
December 18th, 2011, 11:04 AM
As for the slow motion, those very slow moves were done by shooting at 100fps mode and high shutter speeds . . .

100fps? That is interesting because the camera does not have a 100fps mode.

Dimitris Mantalias
December 18th, 2011, 02:55 PM
It has and it hasnt. There is this option, smooth slow rec, where with the press of a button, camera records a short burst of 3 secs which then outputs as 12 secs in very very smooth quality. Ok, there are issues, sensor is cropped, resolution drops and there are aliasing problems, but its more of an extra than a main feature. Thing is that although not a real 120 (or 100 if you are in PAL) fps mode, although mentioned around with that name, the result is definitely looking like such. Add a very high shutter when light is good, Twixtor it and you have super slow, super smooth motion that goes beyond the 100 fps look easily. Noticed that shot with the guy diving into the pool and goes through the belts?

Doug Jensen
December 18th, 2011, 03:27 PM
Okay, I see what you are talking about now. I just didn't really think anyone would actually use that "mode" of the FS100. In my opinion it is a gimmick that has no business even being included on the FS100. Congratulations If you got acceptable results from it.

Laurence Janus
December 21st, 2011, 10:27 AM
I enjoyed the video and the music... as for the annoying sounds, dubstep (a popular current genre) uses a lot of those sounds. That said, years of nightclubs have put a nice low pass filter on my ears so I guess they could have been too high pitched for me to hear them.

I can't wait to get an FS100 of my own, thank you for the post Dimitris

Dimitris Mantalias
December 22nd, 2011, 05:29 AM
Thanks Laurence. I actually am more of the hard rock type of guy, but there is something in dubstep that I find too attractive to ignore. Also, nobody ever did a (mostly) wedding oriented video with that kind of music, so we took that as a challenge. :)

Doug, I know what you mean. When we were given a demo FS100 back in July, we had no idea that this feature was there. We wanted to try it mainly for the amazing low light sensor and 1080p50 ability. At some point, while playing with the buttons (we rarely use manuals, haha) we discovered this thing. Sure, if this was advertised as a main selling point, it would be a bad move, since it's far from flawless. But as a small extra, we were excited, because we really love the slomo. You can name this feature as a "poor man's Phantom-like option", because that's exactly what it is and nothing more. :) With high shutter and Twixtor, we have actually reached the 1000fps (or more) look which is rather nice.