View Full Version : SURPRISE - BONUS WEEK (and more)

Dylan Couper
December 8th, 2011, 04:30 PM
Yes, you read that right... the holiday spirit has taken over our panel of elite judges, and we've decided to extend the deadline by a full week. You now have until midnight of Sunday Dec 18th to complete and upload your films.

A few notes:
* You can put "The DV Challenge presents" or "UWOL Presents" or "Why the C300 is better than Scarlet X presents" on the front of your film. I prefer not the last one.

* Having trouble finishing your Television themed film? MAKE A TRAILER. There's no mininum time limit, remember? A 30-60 second trailer may be way stronger than a 5 minute piece, or even better my 90 minute reality show about millionaire wives of airplane pilots living in a beach house together.

Dick Mays
December 9th, 2011, 06:34 AM
Christmas Surprise! Thanks!

Trond Saetre
December 10th, 2011, 09:06 AM
Surprises are fun, and this one is most welcome.
Thank you, Dylan!