View Full Version : Another new Forum suggestion - Reviews

Chris Soucy
December 7th, 2011, 11:48 PM
May I put before the members and Chris H, a suggestion?

Can I suggest that all reviews currently residing in the Articles section (or anywhere, for that matter) are indexed to a thread in the "DV Info Network" section OR are indexed at the top of every individual section (of the Forum) for which reviews are available.


I'm seeing more and more members who are completely oblivious to the Articles section, and, I must admit, even finding my own reviews there can be something of a mission, the indexing isn't exactly crystal clear, to my mind, anyway.

If every Sub Group for which reviews are available had a thread heading listing available reviews for that speciality OR Group, it would be immediately apparent that reviews were available at the click of a mouse from the Forum, rather than having to dig through the Articles section, even if a member doesn't even know it (the Articles Section) exists, which many don't.

Seems like a major leap forward in the "usablity stakes" if it can be done, what does the "team", and, more importantly, Chris H, think?

I won't raise "regional codes" as I'll spoil CH's Christmas.

Have a good one everyone, if you can.


Michael Wisniewski
December 8th, 2011, 06:45 AM
I think a forum for reviews is a good idea, especially if it includes clear guidelines and examples of good review formats and etiquette.

Chris Soucy
December 8th, 2011, 05:45 PM
Thanks for the support, Michael.

Having chewed this subject over still more, one simple "almost" solution does present itself, though it doesn't tick ALL the boxes, unfortunately.

Basically, if the Google "DV Info Net" search at the bottom of every page was weighted to pop up any subject related reviews at the top of the list, at least anyone using the search is going to have the review(s) "up close and personal" immediately.

Just entering "reviews" in the box gets you the whole shebang in one go.

I call it an "almost" solution as one would need to know reviews are available beforehand, which is where the problem lies, as so many don't, giving rise to a sort of "chicken/ egg" situation.

I'm toying with the idea of including product release announcements in this, but am in two minds as to it's relevance/ viability.

One solution to this chicken/ egg situation would be the addition of an extra button labelled "Reviews" on the Controls/ FAQ/ New Posts/ Search/ Quick Links/ Log Out bar at the top of every page.

Clicking on that opens a completely seperate window, so you don't "lose the plot" if you're trying to glean some info before posting in a particualr thread.

It does get "Reviews" out there in plain sight, though one does wonder just how many members could really list every (or even most of the) button(s) on that bar if blindfolded?

That does beg the question: what other, possibly higher priority items would members like to see get the above treatment?

Of course, one could just go the whole hog and split "Articles" into "Articles" and a seperate "Reviews" button waaaay up at the top, however I am not the least bit astonished so many are unaware of that bars existance, I rarely have need of it myself (heck, how many times does one need to read one's own reviews?).

All input welcome folks.