View Full Version : Still loving the GY-HD201 camera!
Dan Parkes December 6th, 2011, 07:26 AM We have the GY-HD201 as our main corporate camera and I still prefer it over other cameras -especially the ability to film simultaneously both to tape and harddrive (we edit the harddrive files and archive the tape). I have used the new GY-HM750 but I have to admit that I still prefer the look I get with the HD201, it looks warmer and more natural, plus archiving material purely on SDHC cards or backing up on harddrives is still not a viable alternative to tape.
The only one negative I can find is that is doesn't shoot 1080p. But in the five years of running a production company I have only had one client ask for a 1080p master (and even then they were happy with 720p).
It's a shame that the "JVC GY-HD Series Camera Systems" Forum has gone a little quiet...but I'm sure I must not be the only one still enjoying the use of these cameras?....
Anyway, here is an example of something we filmed this year with our GY-HD201 and a 35mm adapter:
Bottom's Dream ( "A Midsummer Night's Dream") - YouTube (
Gavin Owens December 6th, 2011, 04:54 PM Hi Dan
You are not alone... I'm continuously going back to the HD201 these days after working with DSLR's.
Mainly for the form factor but also, I just like the image and like you, 720p delivery seems to suit most of my clients. I don't use tape anymore though and do archive in HDD's. It works for me but I am a small operation.
Can I ask you what scene files do you use. I watched Bottom's dream and was impressed with the look as well as it's great direction. Very nicely done!
Dan Parkes December 7th, 2011, 05:45 AM Hi Gavin
Many thanks for the kind words regarding "Bottom's Dream". I used Paolo Ciccone's True Color as it gives such fantastic depth (although I have toned down the reds a little in the scene file). The amazing thing is that the scene file is so good that I often end up using it raw rather than colour correcting later in post. In fact the feature we shot using the GY-HD201 and Ciccone's True Color is 90% ungraded! (trailer below). Although in that case we also used Cineform as an intermediate codec which certainly help maintain the colour. So kudos to JVC, Ciccone and Cineform!
Ambleton Delight Official Trailer #3 [HD] on Vimeo
Gavin Owens December 7th, 2011, 09:38 AM I don't know if you saw this thread
A few users put together a scene file list due to the fact that most of the links previously posted have died.
If you have a copy of Paolo Ciccone's TC3 settings, I would be very grateful if you could post them here. I have looked everywhere but it seems Paolo is re-doing his website and all the links or off line.
If you could include the level you set the reds at then I would be doubly grateful....: )
Ambleton delight got some serious accolades... you must have been very proud!
Kudos to you and your team
All the best
Claude Mangold December 7th, 2011, 05:03 PM Here is the TrueColor250 file. Quality minimal as I quickly scanned it with my iPhone via Evernote. But the data are clear.
Agreed with you, Dan. Wish the GY-HD list were a bit more active, especially on the creative side . And stunning colors in that clearing ! There's a quallity to the GY-HD series which is particularly cinematic . Someone told me that's due to the straightforward full-progressive scan, whereas most other cams do some weird processing.
I just shot a similar short, in a magical fall oak bocage in France. The GY-HD251 gave gorgeous images of greenery. scene file was Tim's superwide. Used Zeiss primes.
Dan Parkes December 7th, 2011, 06:40 PM Thanks Claude, you beat me to it!
And glad to hear someone else also using Evernote....
Anyway, thanks Gavin for your comments regarding the feature 'Ambleton Delight'. I am pleased with how much we achieved with so little... in fact there is a 100-piece production diary/tips (+behind-the-scenes video) on how we made it which you can read here: The Recipe to Ambleton Delight (
Claude...any chance of seeing the short you short in France. Sounds fantastic!
Gavin Owens December 8th, 2011, 03:20 AM Thank you very much Claude. I've been looking for that scene file for a while.
+1 to see those autumnal oak forest shots. The Zeiss primes must be a joy to shot with.
I'll have a read through of the shooting diary for Ambleton Dan. Thanks again for your response.
I'll be launching a very large video project at the start of 2012 so I'm sure I will gererate more activity on this forum regarding this camera.
Gavin Owens December 8th, 2011, 07:08 AM To Dan or Claude....
I presume that the settings posted above are without the adjustments to the red levels. I just did a quick test and found that the reds do pop. I wonder if it would be possible for either of you to post your finalised settings so I could try them out on my camera. I wouldn't ask normally but I'm afraid that I currently don't have access to a professional colour chart and can't play around with the settings myself.
Sorry if I'm been a bother....
Claude Mangold December 9th, 2011, 06:15 AM Gavin, I cant't help with the reds as I never actually used this setting while shooting film.
But I checked my files again and found this as well (a print-out from a post in this forum, date unknown). Again, apologies for poor scan quality.
Dan, I'm not well organised for posting, but I'll try and put it up after X-mas.(Working) Title is «To see or not to see».
Dan Parkes December 9th, 2011, 03:36 PM Hi Gavin
Just checked my camera now and I think the only difference compared to the TruColour settings (the first one that Claude posted for the 250) is that the R Gain is set to MIN, instead of -3. Which seems to help a bit.
I also don't have access to a professional colour chart, unfortunately, so this change in setting is the best I've been able to do (but is the setting used for the two videos posted above...).
By the way, today I just had a client actually request 720p for a shoot next once again this camera is coming in useful!
Look forward to seeing your short film Claude, also learning more about your large 2012 video project Gavin -sounds exciting!
To Dan or Claude....
I presume that the settings posted above are without the adjustments to the red levels. I just did a quick test and found that the reds do pop. I wonder if it would be possible for either of you to post your finalised settings so I could try them out on my camera. I wouldn't ask normally but I'm afraid that I currently don't have access to a professional colour chart and can't play around with the settings myself.
Sorry if I'm been a bother....
Gavin Owens December 13th, 2011, 03:15 AM Many thanks Dan,
That does seem to pull the reds down a little. I'm going to have a proper play with the settings over the next few days.
The video project is to do with tourism and if sucessful, will generate many hours filming many beautiful things so fingers crossed
Thanks again
Gavin Owens January 18th, 2012, 11:10 AM The settings where spot on. I've been busy shooting over the last while as we develop the new project
Your complete online travel guide to Asturias (
Where is Asturias on Vimeo (
Thanks again to Dan and Claude
Dan Parkes January 20th, 2012, 05:25 PM That's great Gavin, glad the settings worked out!
Claude Mangold January 24th, 2012, 01:06 AM You're welcome, Gavin - I'll try out the tweaks myself.
More activity here would be welcome.
Dan - i finally got my own JVC cine adapter at USD 400 - instead of USD 4000 ...
Now I must find some 16mm PL everyday glass (for shoots I use matched rentals).
Theodorus Yerarides January 14th, 2021, 12:25 PM We have the GY-HD201 as our main corporate camera and I still prefer it over other cameras -especially the ability to film simultaneously both to tape and harddrive (we edit the harddrive files and archive the tape). I have used the new GY-HM750 but I have to admit that I still prefer the look I get with the HD201, it looks warmer and more natural, plus archiving material purely on SDHC cards or backing up on harddrives is still not a viable alternative to tape.
The only one negative I can find is that is doesn't shoot 1080p. But in the five years of running a production company I have only had one client ask for a 1080p master (and even then they were happy with 720p).
It's a shame that the "JVC GY-HD Series Camera Systems" Forum has gone a little quiet...but I'm sure I must not be the only one still enjoying the use of these cameras?....
Anyway, here is an example of something we filmed this year with our GY-HD201 and a 35mm adapter:
Bottom's Dream ( "A Midsummer Night's Dream") - YouTube (
Your acquisition is lovely still in 2021 quality standards-based. I bought mine (HD201E) in September 2019 and I love to use it despite my Lumix GH5 and GH3 are much easiest to carry and operate. For the same reason, I love to use my Olympus E1 than the E3 and the Lumix GX1. Both of them, the JVC and the E1 tempt to give a film like images.
Happy New Year 2021!
Dan Parkes January 14th, 2021, 12:49 PM Thanks Theodorus! I am so happy to hear someone is still using this camera.
I still have mine. Other camera guys tell me I should have sold it, but it has a special place in my heart!
Although for work I now use Canon C300Mk2s (and a Panasonic GH5 for a B-cam). But you cannot beat for the form factor and colour of the JVC.
Paul R Johnson January 14th, 2021, 02:48 PM I'm really relieved to read this topic, because I really thought it was only me - I am a confirmed JVC camera fan - 500, then 5000, the 100 series, 200 series and 700 series. I've still got them all. I just bought another 750, so I have two of those now. The drive I used on the 100s and 200s still works and I have no issues at all with 720 HD. I'd rather have the nice pictures than than clever arty-farty things I see on YouTube. I got thrashed on one forum for not being sophisticated enough to see the difference 4K has over 1080, let alone 720. There are some wonderful bargains on ex-broadcast cameras that are 720 native.
The JVC pictures all match - from the 500 through to the 750 - the look is the same.I do like the 750s, they are my favourite - but last week I used the 101s for a little project and they're still great.
In normal times, my key use is theatre shows. I read over and over how useless the 100,200 and 700s are for stage work - noise, not enough gain etc etc and it's rubbish. I used the 100s up till last year on one regular clients shows - they've been paid for for ages, so I had no qualms at putting them in and forgetting them. I had a request from the BBC for a short clip to use in their regional programme. It is 1080 you're giving us, isn't it? well, what I gave them certainly was, but it came from a 101! They were happy with it and it went out about four times. I've got a B4 lens with adaptor on one 750 - that works great too. A shame the lens mount on the 750s is different.
Jay Webster January 17th, 2021, 07:13 PM Oh Yes,
I'm still using this camera for civic streaming and even some corporate video jobs.
The camera is still earning dollars after all these years ! The last camera that did that for me for so long was an Aaton LTR 16mm.!
Jay Webster
Dave Barnes January 23rd, 2021, 11:58 AM Agreed , still using my JVC 200, 250 and 700's. Like others I love the look of the image.
You don't need the latest fancy toys to make great images!
Still shooting a lot on tape also :)
Jay Webster January 24th, 2021, 10:17 PM Hey Dave,
Yeah, I'm still using tape too! But it's getting hard to impossible to find!
I also get a "take up spool error" message on the flip screen so maybe close to looking into the next camera!
If you have a line on HDV tape let me know!
Roman Schoen January 27th, 2021, 03:25 PM Hi,
My English is not very good. But I also like this cameras. And I really read every Thread here and learned from it. So, I love this forum.
Normally I show customers some sample videos shut with the good old GY-HD111 and ask them, wheather the picture matches their ideas. Then, 720p is never a point of discussion.
Since 720p it's not only the resolution that makes the quality of the picture.
Hoping reading here more from you guys.
Paul R Johnson January 27th, 2021, 04:37 PM Roman - I 100% agree. The images from the 100 and 200 series still hold up and have a very usable image quality.
Dave Barnes February 27th, 2021, 09:26 AM Hey Dave,
Yeah, I'm still using tape too! But it's getting hard to impossible to find!
I also get a "take up spool error" message on the flip screen so maybe close to looking into the next camera!
If you have a line on HDV tape let me know!
Hi Jay... I have been grabbing them off of Ebay... no place to find HDV tapes really at this time other than Ebay.... :)