View Full Version : FS-100 Shoot in Japan

Jon Braeley
December 5th, 2011, 09:23 PM
I shot a small 10-minute movie on my FS-100 at the Meiji Shrine in Tokyo - November 3rd. This is a national holiday for culture and there are budo and martial art demonstrations all day at the Shrine. I was testing out the FS-100 for my own use here and did not apply for media approval which I usually do in Japan as I shoot here often. Mainly used the Sigma 17-50 zoom and a Rokinon 85mm - most shot at F2.8. I could not use my usual Miller tripod due to the restricted area - and large crowds, so I took along a Gitzo mountaineer... it's only 14 inches folded and 2Lbs weight... yes I know it is not adequate but needs must when you have to shoot in places where tripods are restricted.
MEIJI JINGU MARTIAL ARTS by Empty Mind Films - YouTube (

Rob Katz
December 7th, 2011, 12:19 PM

footage looks lovely.

thanks for sharing.

monopod was a good thought.

pan/tilt head?

was the fs100 "naked" or rigged out?

how did the monopod handle the fs100 weight?

which nd was on the fs100?

looking back, would you have used the fs100 any differently?

again, nicely done.

be well.

smalltalk productions

Michael Beck
December 7th, 2011, 12:22 PM
Fantastic stuff!

Its awesome that this camera is so small and light weight that you can get away with using a dinky tripod like that.

Duncan Craig
December 7th, 2011, 01:20 PM
Good to see a Yorkshire lad done good. I've lived in Leeds for 10 years so I'm sort of adopted here now.

I'll second Robs questions.
The FS100 would be my camera of choice after my EX1, I'd like both but can't justify the expense.
These DSLRs simply don't cut it.

I can't find a lot of info about the camera, how do you find dealing with viewfinder and it's limited angles, does it twist as well as tilt? Do you even use an external recorder? Was it shot in 1080, but you cut in 720?

I love the final shot of the video, such a peaceful image.

TIA, Duncan.

Mark Weisen
December 7th, 2011, 05:24 PM
Thanks for sharing the footage. Takes me back a ways when I lived near Tokyo, taught English for couple of years.

Did you use specific picture profile?

Jon Braeley
December 7th, 2011, 07:25 PM
Thanks - some notes:

monopod was a good thought.
I used the very lightweight Gitzo Mountaineer tripod - in some cases not even folding it out fully due to the crowds all pushing to see the action .... there are no media zoned areas but the judges did allow me to finally drop my tripod down in a private area. A big heavy tripod was out of the question. At the shrines in Japan tripods are generally forbidden so I carry the Gitzo like a monopod and drop out the legs quickly to shoot. They are around $750 for the legs but very strong and ultra light and small.

pan/tilt head?
I used a small manfroto 701 HDV head... just about do-able on the FS-100 - easily all carried in a small backpack- inc. tripod!!

was the fs100 "naked" or rigged out? rigging at all. Not even the side handle which I never use. I hate matte-boxes. I do sometimes use follow-focus but not here. No monitor except the LCD and I use the viewfinder ... not ideal.. a 5inch display would have been nice.

which nd was on the fs100?
I used a Genus variable ND ... it's not bad - no visible color shifts.

looking back, would you have used the fs100 any differently?
I have filmed this event a few times so I know what to expect - no one captures great footage because the event is so public and people camp out early morning for a good view - it's almost impossible to get a large camera rig set up. I think the FS-100 is perfect in these cases. 108060p is superb and only the FS-1000 has this at a cost of $20k in other cams!!

I used the Abel-Cine profiles - I have 3 profiles loaded from their website with little tweaking.

Hope this helps.