Kyle McConaghy
December 5th, 2011, 01:56 PM
Hi, everyone – Now that Canon didn't release a sub $8,000 EOS camera, I was able to write a review on my FS100 without any buyers remorse. There is also an FS100-only reel in the review.
Thanks for reading / watching!
Sony FS100 review | Strapping Production | Directing ? Screenwriting ? (Motion) Graphics Editing ? Video Production ? Sound Production ? St. Louis, MO ? Columbia, MO ? Kansas City, MO (
Matt Davis
December 5th, 2011, 05:27 PM
I would say that the EX1 has a lot more detail without sharpening, and that its CineGamma settings don't blow a colour channel like the FS100's CineTone settings. I'd even go as far to say that the EX1 CineGamma settings also vent their bladders all over the FS100 Knee settings.
However, the larger sensor and photo optics of the FS100 do a huge amount to re-address this, and the lack of noise that is the inherent charm of the FS100's images does tend to make EX1's 'ever so slightly' textured (noisy) footage appear 'knitted' in comparison.
I still live in fear of blowing the red channel on FS100 interviews, and have my overall chroma turned down two clicks - which requires a little remedial post work - just in case I get that 'AF101' look.
Rob Katz
December 8th, 2011, 10:44 AM
i would be very interested in a continued conversation about the red channel and your settings.
thanks in advance.
be well
smalltalk productions