Ronald Jackson
December 1st, 2011, 05:23 AM
How similar is this to using, as I do, a nanoFlash with an XLH1? Is the connectivity similar e.g. SDI to nano, timecode to nano, audio to nano, all with separate cables?
Presumably there is also some similarity in the quality of the footage if one uses identical Custom Presets on the camera and identical settings on the nanoFlash.
I'm moving to buying a s/h G1 as a b) camera. The smaller new AVCHD cams don't have much of a zoom range and the newer cams that do, XFs and EXs are a mite too expensive for me.
Dan Keaton
December 1st, 2011, 07:51 AM
Dear Ron,
The XH G1 was a later model.
The XH G1 outputs audio embedded in the HD-SDI output stream.
And it has embedded timecode.
The custom presets use different values, thus it is harder to match the XH G1 with an original XL H1.
Ronald Jackson
December 1st, 2011, 11:33 AM
Thanks Dan, I guess a bit of trial and error then though I could ask on the G1 forum here. Less complicated by the sound of it as well,
Ronald Jackson
December 17th, 2011, 05:13 AM
Another question, does the nanoFlash mount that is sold (by for the XLH1 also fit the XH?
Olaf E. says should fit all of the Canon larger cams but given that CD own a XH-G1 I'd appreciate their opinion.
Have just purchased a XH-G1 (used) as a (b) cam for use with my nanoFlash,
Dan Keaton
December 17th, 2011, 07:25 AM
Dear Ron,
I agree with Olof, it should work.
I am in the Burbank, California area today, and our XH G1, XL H1, and XL H1s are in Colorado Springs.
We will not be able to check until Monday, sorry.
Ronald Jackson
December 17th, 2011, 07:33 AM
Thank you Dan,
No timing problem as I won't have the cam until next week,
ps looking forward to the day I can purchase all of the nanoFlash bits and pieces from a UK/EU distributor
Dan Keaton
December 17th, 2011, 09:30 AM
Dear Ron,
I believe that you will find that the mounts on both carmeras are the same.