View Full Version : New picture profiles

Frank Glencairn
November 30th, 2011, 01:36 AM
Here are some picture profiles I made for the Sony FS100. This is work in progress. I get a lot of input from fellow filmmakers and I learn something on every shooting with the FS100, so I try to improve those settings, to get the best out of that great little camera.

Free Picture Profiles for the Sony FS100 Frank Glencairn (

Every input, that helps to make the profiles better is appreciated.

Have fun,


Keith Moreau
November 30th, 2011, 02:25 AM
Thanks for doing all this for the community. I used your GLOG-A on a low-ligtht shoot the other day and it did very well. I've loaded all your profiles into my FS100, using a combination of yours and the Abel Cines. Do you have any reverse LUTs available for your G-Log profiles?

Frank Glencairn
November 30th, 2011, 02:31 AM
I´m working on it.


Keith Moreau
November 30th, 2011, 02:48 AM
Frank, I got a great reverse LUT for the Technicolor 5D Cinestyle that I got from Powered by ( that was a RGB Curves preset for Premiere Pro (what I use nowadays for editing after ditching FCP). What do you use? If premiere and you want to create a RGB Curves preset that would be awesome. As it was I applied the Cinestyle LUT to your PPs and this was a pretty good starting point.