View Full Version : Hey everyone =) New guy here =)

Andreas Rylander
August 31st, 2005, 04:08 AM
Swedish, insane,supple male.. age of 25. I sing, direct, write, act, edit, film and compose stuff =) Name's Andreas Rylander.

So far I only have a crappy 1ccd no-good camcorder from hell, but I still make horribly insane shortfilms, can't stop it =)

I am planning on obtaining a Canon XL2 in the immediate future, possibly with a mini35 adapter joining it right from start =) My latest shortfilm "Skin and Bones" was made with a pretty decent camera so I refuse to go back to the "old ways" so to speak so I have decided to invest into proper technology, after all... this is my life!

If someone wants to glimpse pieces of what I have done, visit my homepage! It is not serious stuff so far, so don't expect anything revolutionary. I just hope to bring SOME degree of entertainment and/or joy to the viewers. =)

My "studios" homepage... heh...

My bands homepage

Link to the starwars tributefilm I am currently engaged in =)

Rob Lohman
September 9th, 2005, 01:31 AM
Hi Andreas, welcome aboard (H)! I've moved your thread to the
neighborhood forum. Good luck with all that you do!