View Full Version : Government video work

Ervin Farkas
November 22nd, 2011, 01:36 PM
Anyone working or worked for the Government - federal/state/local?

Your experience - good/bad?

Worth registering with CCR?


Mark Slade
November 25th, 2011, 12:09 PM
In a nutshell....JUST registering with CCR won't get you anywhere. If you don't get a GSA schedule then you aren't going to see squat from the Fed. You need to get your Duns #, register with CCR and ORCA and then wade into the mire that is GSA.

I spent a couple of years trying to figure out why there were practically no open bids coming from the fed gov't. It's because most everything is awarded through GSA anymore.


Chip Gallo
November 26th, 2011, 12:40 PM
I'm a fed (IT management) but I have used videographers a few times to cover events such as town hall meetings. The way I found my first crew was web search and getting quotes from a couple in the DC area. The one I used for a number of years (Alacer Video) was listed on several of those sites that help producers find production staff in a region. He was not on GSA Schedule btw.

Recently I searched for a company that could set up a live streaming event. Got 2 quotes, ended up not using either through no fault of theirs (event changed format away from "live") but the one who had schedule pricing was easily 2X more in cost due to the number of staff they were bringing.

As a video person myself, if I were looking for work in the so-called federal space, I would attend trade conferences such as the upcoming Gov Video in DC. Talk to the vendors, hand out business cards. Often you can get a sense of what is hot and selling in the market and may even meet contractors or feds who are building a capability. You can partner with companies that have such work underway and be a sub to them.

I agree that getting on GSA Schedule is a hassle, requires legal expertise and adds overhead cost. The published schedules are sometimes difficult to understand for the agencies trying to use them. Learning the ropes by being a sub or part-time worker on a bigger outfit's deal is a good way to break in.

A footnote to all this is the ancillary work such as making a project Section 508 compliant (captions, subtitles and the like) or merging media with a web site. Old school video pros may not be up to speed on this kind of thing so don't forget all the post production work. It pay too and gets you in the door for more opportunities later.
