Jay Kavi
August 31st, 2005, 01:33 AM
So they say. It beats Socal though. Anyone else near the bay and making movies? would love to connect and work on some projects. Drop me and email and lets talk
View Full Version : San Francisco is cooler than where you're from! Jay Kavi August 31st, 2005, 01:33 AM So they say. It beats Socal though. Anyone else near the bay and making movies? would love to connect and work on some projects. Drop me and email and lets talk Richard Alvarez August 31st, 2005, 06:48 AM Jay, Yup,average annual temp is 65 degrees... "The coldest winter I ever spent, was a summer in San Francisco" - Mark Twain. Check out Bay Area Video Coalition bavc.org and Film Arts Organization Filmarts.org for good contacts. Welcome aboard! Richard - In San Mateo Joshua Reafsnyder September 20th, 2005, 07:16 PM Hey I live just north of sacromento but am planing on moving to San Fancisco to go to the state college so I will probly be in your neck of the woods next year around this time. Rik Sanchez September 20th, 2005, 08:00 PM welcome to dvinfo Jay. My wife and I just got back from the bay area a week ago. Used to live in Berkeley, Oakland(near Lake Merritt) SF Mission way back in the 80's. It was great being in that cool weather again, it beats the weather we have over here, hot and humid, although it is finally cooling down. Good luck with you movie making. Jonathan Jones September 20th, 2005, 08:18 PM Hi Jay, I live about an hour north of SF and spend a little time in the area when work requires or time permits. Welcome to the forums. There is some beautiful country up this way if you ever do day trips northward. --- Hey Richard, did you ever get that email I sent a few weeks ago regarding video in San Mateo? I never heard back, but I figured it was because it may have looked like a solicitation - but the client asked for direct referral as opposed to open call so I didn't post their request to the forums - sorry gotta run - dinner calls. -Jon |