Keith Dobie
November 14th, 2011, 02:06 AM
For the last year or so I keep hearing a particular music track used in all sorts of productions. Tonight I heard it again in a promo for a local business. Anyone recognize it? It must be from a production music library.
What Is CrossFit? Short by CrossFit by Overload - YouTube (
Here's another video it was used in. This time it was a Canon promo from Australia.
Toby Oliver - Canon Australia (
Andy Wilkinson
November 14th, 2011, 06:11 AM
These are all royalty free/copyright free music tracks that come with Apple's Final Cut Studio 2 (and I suspect FCS3... but not FCPX). Forgotten the actual name tag for the track as I'm not in the Studio/on my Mac Pro today.
I've used a few of them, especially in my early days as a Corporate Videographer, but for the very reason you cite (i.e. you keep hearing them everywhere!) I now buy other royalty free/copyright free music for my professional work.
Dano Motley
November 14th, 2011, 10:10 AM
my iphone app lists it as
Karmapoint by Rocco
Allan Black
November 14th, 2011, 05:17 PM
.. or shoot Crossfit an email. Nice to see Bondi Beach my old stomping grounds as a kid in Tobys video.
At 2.00 .. in the early 70s I used to go to the studio I worked for, in the 'Regal' ferry.
On very rough days as we crossed Sydney harbour we all took our shoes and socks off as the water washed across the decks. Amazing to see it's still afloat :)
Keith Dobie
November 15th, 2011, 10:10 PM
Allan — I really like that promo video showing Sydney. Very well done, even as a product promo. Beautiful place and it's at top of my list for travel. Friend is going for 3 months starting next week and I'm a little envious!
Andy — I checked my FCS folders, library, application support, etc. Couldn't find any production music. I'll try to find the original DVDs, maybe it didn't get installed.
And would you believe it, I heard that track again today in yet another commercial!
Thanks for the help.
Allan Black
November 16th, 2011, 05:13 AM
Mate .. advise your friend to bring plenty of suntan oil, going to be a blazing hot summer here over Xmas.
He'll find the light here is brighter than the northern hemisphere bring ND filters. We used to watch the Hollywood guys get off the plane and gasp at the light.
Already we've had a 40C temp day. You find that track yet?
Don Bloom
November 16th, 2011, 05:47 AM
Dano is quite correct. Karmapoint by Rocco Bronte. It's on You Tube among other places. Nice tune.
Allan, I saw the 40 and went HUH? You're kidding. Then I saw the C. Way too early my eyes aren't working right yet.
Allan Black
November 16th, 2011, 02:10 PM
Ha! .. Don Santa is bringing me a stronger grade of coffee .. I hope.
Your president is here right now, made a great intro speech and asked why are Aussies always talking about cheese .. someone replied no, we're just saying ...
Cheers! :)