Magnus Helander
November 10th, 2011, 12:26 PM
I have been comfortable with having several instances of vegas 10 open and pasting stuff back and forth.
With v11 there is no playback and an error message "The Request is not enables for this device" when I switch between instances and attempt playback from the timeline.
Can anyone else pls confirm this, that V11 with GPU acceleration enabled only allows one instance of V11 at a time? Or is my system malfunctioning with a Gigabyte nVidia GTX 460 card?
Jeff Harper
November 10th, 2011, 12:51 PM
It's working for me. I turned on GPU, which I normally leave off, just to test, and opened up two projects and got playback on both simultaneously.
When Seth B recently asked about buying a new $300 video card, this is the exact reason I recommended he go with a faster processor instead.
I have had multiple issues with GPU acceleration, and I just turned it off. It's not a big deal to me. I had trouble with copying and pasting between muliple instances of Vegas, which I do an awful lot, but didn't know if it was the GPU or not.
I have a re-certified video card so I don't trust mine to be "right". While I understand the desire we all have for better performance, I never did have high expectations for this feature, and I'm glad. Of course I wish it worked better for me, but I just feel fortunate that I can work without other serious issues with such an early version of the software.
Hopefully you can find a solution Magnus. Is your card borderline spec-wise? Maybe that's the cause?
Magnus Helander
November 10th, 2011, 04:41 PM
I was using the 64bit edition. After installing v11 32-bit version and enabling GPU I can have two instances running with 50fps playback simultaneously - this was not possible with the 64 bit versions...
Must be a driver issue...
Jeff Harper
November 10th, 2011, 09:11 PM
FWIW I am running 64 bit.
Adam Stanislav
November 11th, 2011, 10:52 AM
Can anyone else pls confirm this, that V11 with GPU acceleration enabled only allows one instance of V11 at a time?
Hello, Magnus,
I have just tried it and had no problem. Both previews ran at the same speed they run when there is only one Vegas instance open. I have Windows 7 Ultimate, ran the 64-bit version with both instances (I do not even have the 32-bit version installed). My GPU is NVIDIA GT 430 (Zotac), and I used GPU acceleration in both Vegas instances.
So, no I cannot confirm it.