View Full Version : Photographers hate video: the truth revealed .....
George Kilroy November 10th, 2011, 10:34 AM Not really but if you want few minutes of amusement have a look at this:
Photographers vs. Videographers Epic Battle: Episode IV - YouTube (!
apologise if it's been posted before.
Taky Cheung November 10th, 2011, 11:55 AM I saw that through my firend's FB post. It was hilarious. To me I have the first hand experience how photographer intentionally block my view.
Can You Find the Photographers on Vimeo
Alen Koebel November 10th, 2011, 01:12 PM Another good one: I love you, photographer! on Vimeo
Not to sideline the thread too far, but Taky makes a great point in the comments to his video on Vimeo that being professional also means respecting the audience's view of the event. My first post here was about exactly that point. You're recording a social event and you need to let the audience see what you're recording too. Until the day comes when all video and picture recording devices are the size of insects (goodbye bokeh <g>) and hover in the air, IMO anyone recording an event should practise "not being seen" as much as is practical (admittedly sometimes you just have no choice).
Chris Hurd November 10th, 2011, 01:33 PM Photographers vs. Videographers Epic Battle: Episode IV - YouTube (!
Sure wish they'd upload it to Vimeo...
Mike Beckett November 10th, 2011, 02:44 PM George,
That is far from what I expected it to be. Absolutely fantastic, thank you so much for sharing!
Kawika Ohumukini November 10th, 2011, 03:36 PM Good production but it could have been 3 minutes shorter. Cheers
Taky Cheung November 10th, 2011, 04:45 PM Watch the video again... funnier and funnier each time I watch. Then I noticed, the whole video is more about Photographers bullying Videographers. Even at the battlefield, there's a big crowd of photographers but only about 10 videographers. kaka
Chris Harding November 10th, 2011, 05:23 PM Over here the South East Asian wedding couples that hire photographers seem to be the worst. They always seem to get two young students?? who are over-eager and have this absolute desire to shoot at least 3000 exposures each during a 15 minute ceremony and get as close to the couple as possible. I did a Vietamese wedding here last season where enventually the officiant had to say something to the two photogs who were completely disrupting the ceremony!!!
Maybe they just like lots of photos and as as close as possible??? You cannot fault them for enthusiasm you MUST admit!!!
Thanks Taky, that brought back memories!!
Michael Clark November 11th, 2011, 03:14 PM Loved the part about "be nice to them, tell them you're not going to block their shot, and then block, block, block!"
I've been fortunate thus far to never have had an experience quite like the two vimeo videos posted, but lately I have been having family and friends of the B&G with iPhones stepping in the way. Two weeks ago it was an aunt during the processional/recessional that stood right in the aisle (the B&G had to walk around her!), and last week it was an uncle who got right in the front row and took photos the whole ceremony, and didn't even sit or kneel while he was doing it! I've noticed the officiates are more frequently now asking people before the ceremony begins to hold off their photography. In those two instances the B&G were very understanding, thankfully. Beware the amateur photographer!
Taky Cheung November 11th, 2011, 03:18 PM I have another one here. It's a 25th anniversary banquet. Photographers were their church friends.
You have to check the ending.. The couple were renewing the vows with the same officiant 25 years ago. The photographer walked up to the podium and close the folder where the officiant were reading from. That was just crazy.
Can You Find the Photographers II on Vimeo
Taky Cheung November 11th, 2011, 03:20 PM Also, I guess one way to separate amateur to professional photographers --- Gary Fong
Dave Blackhurst November 11th, 2011, 10:19 PM Yeah, real photogs use Sto-Fen <wink>!
Randy Johnson November 11th, 2011, 10:28 PM Its weird I have been doing video for close to 25 years now it used to be we were the obtrusive ones with our big cameras and bright lights. Now I think its the photographers it all changed when they went digital and they were no longer held back by film costs. Plus I think a level of professionalism and respect for the enviorment went out the window over the past 5 years.
Sophie Bucks November 12th, 2011, 01:59 PM Block, block, block
Jeff Harper November 12th, 2011, 06:43 PM A lot of what pisses videographers off, including many instances in the video posted by Alen, doesn't bother me at all. The photographer is part of the day, and how they handle their jobs varies from one to another, as we all know. The blonde photographer above didn't have a clue what she was doing, at least that's how it looked to me.
Taky's "Can you find the Photographers" is an different story. Those guys really need to be told a few things.
I am extreme, I'm either completely laid back, or if I feel I'm being f__ed with I will go off on anyone, and I have had to read the riot act to only two photographers. But when I was done with them they were afraid enough that they wouldn't come anywhere near me the rest of the day. And when I walked by them they backed away and walked the opposite direction. I'm a little guy, but I have a temper beyond a certain point.
When I meet a new photographer at a wedding, the first thing I tell them is I do not mind if they get in my shot, as long as they do not block the shot. I tell them I am documenting the day, and the are part of it. Virtually everyone goes out of their way to avoid being in my shot unnecessarily.
On the other hand, photography done right is a whole different animal than video, and I have a lot of sympathy for them. Newer, less experienced photogs often really don't have a clue what they are doing, and they are just trying to get a shot. Like the blonde in Alen's video, she was just oblivious.
Taky's photographers? I would ream then a new one. You stop whatever you are doing, and you walk up to them and you let 'em know, and you get in their face, and I mean you need to get in the physical space and let them have it. It's very effective. You do that once early on, and you've got a clear shot the rest of the night.
Don Bloom November 12th, 2011, 10:14 PM Jeff, you and I are cut from the same cloth. I'm nice until I'm not nice anymore and yes, I have threatened photographers on 2 occassions. They can try to tell me all they want about this and that but since I WAS a still photographer before 90% of them were born and they are doing the same work today as I did in the early 70s (only difference is the gear and not using 220 film-heh, most don't even know what that is) the job is the same and frankly it is a lot easier now than back in my day.
Like the mayor of Chicago (the Hon. Richard J. Daley) said durning the democratic national convention here in Chicago in 1968.
If you can't join 'em, BEAT 'em. (he didn't really say that but it was attributed to him) You get my point.
Like I said I'm nice until I'm not nice anymore.
Claire Buckley November 13th, 2011, 06:15 PM Adding to the colourful dimension of this subject...
The same bleat about photogs... Live with them as they are part of the day the bride and groom have chosen.
But specifically, as to the re-occuring Taky self promotion videos on the same theme (and as I have said previously in relation to his offerings) get off your tripod and your "back of the hall" long-shot locations - you choose the worst positions and techniques so it is not surprising you get the same results - not impressed.
Stop whinging and acquire a more professional attitiude to evaluating the location and the job you are being paid to do especially relating to the "unforeseen"; and by this, the lack of professional awareness of some in what is a competitive market.
Perhaps you should be more selective in the work you undertake?
Randy Johnson November 13th, 2011, 08:02 PM Im not going to pass judgement on anyones work (unless there shooting for me) there are different rules & customs from church to church faith to faith. Yes get in threre if you can. I dont have too many problems with photographers I just know that there are a lot of new ones now that the world has gone digital everyone thinks there a photographer and they simply dont know the rules. I dont know about your neck of the woods but where I am at we always have worn tuxes or nice suits there are certain parts of the church that is simply taboo and IF you go there you dont stay there. Now these kids are coming out to jobs wearing whatever jeans & a untucked shirt, never talking to the Pastor, Rabbi, Priest and walk around like they own the place.