Kumar Sharma
August 30th, 2005, 10:52 AM
I would like to start experimenting with different Ground Glasses on my brand new homemade mini35 adapter! I would like to see the different unique characteristics of each GG on my DVX. I would greatly appreciate if you guys could point me to your best, and maybe even worse GG experiences (Beeswax slides, Clear CD’s, cap’s to a Pringles containers (lol) whatever)
Jim Lafferty
August 30th, 2005, 12:05 PM
1.4 micron aluminum oxide is a good solution, even better of course than 3 micron. Haven't tried 1 micron alum ox (yet), otherwise known as Linde C polish, but my guess is it would be beter than 1.4 micron and still grind the glass. I have .3 and .05 micron al ox but they don't seem to actually grind anything onto the glass' surface :(
Can't get microwax to a point where I'm satisfied, and have temporarily given it up. I'll return to it in October when I'm not in the middle of a lot of freelance work. In any case, microwax is a bitch to work with, tedious and full of potential pitfalls and problems. But, on the upside, it does create the best imagery ever. Ever.
The Nikon D focusing screen looks very promising -- picked one up yesterday from B&H for $30. Grain is, to the eye, similar to the 1.4 micron aluminum ox glass that I have here, without the time needed to grind the glass.
That's about it for now. Good luck.
- jim
Scott Grocott
August 30th, 2005, 02:25 PM
I am currently using this:
Have not tried wax yet but I am satisfied with this Optosigma product enough to be doing my current project with it.
Andy Gordon
August 30th, 2005, 05:59 PM
The problem for me with the Optosigma GG is the diffusion you get on out of focus areas. It annoys me enough to keep looking for a better solution. Wax doesn't seem to suffer this, but I haven't been able to make one that is good enough yet. I'm also going to try the Nikon D as I think it will be about equal to the Optosigma but without the need for extra condensers, and hopefully make for a shorter Adapter.
I was going to try a POC LSD but they're $120... I thought maybe if you add condensers to it the light loss would be acceptable.