View Full Version : ShotPut Pro and 7 Cameras

Steve Kalle
November 8th, 2011, 11:47 AM
Does anyone still use ShotPut Pro for SxS cards? I am helping with an event this weekend where there will be 7 EX1/3/1r cameras recording for 6-7 hours straight; so, I am trying to devise a plan for downloading one card from each camera in time to get back to the first camera and begin the offload process again.


Dave Sperling
November 8th, 2011, 12:18 PM
Steve, you might want to consider some sort of 'production line' approach involving more than one computer and several hard drives, plus a NEXTO 2500 or similar.
When dealing with multiple cameras and long run times, I'll typically start some of the cameras out with shorter cards (8GB or 16GB) so I can start the offload process asap. As the event goes on (and I fall a little behind in my transfers) I'll rely on larger cards. Usually I get somewhat caught up during lunch break. Finally, towards the end I'll try to get back into the short cards, so that the last group of cards to come in doesn't require forever to transfer.
Shotput Pro is a nice idea because of making dual copies simultaneously, but since getting a NEXTO 2500 drive I've favored that to make my second copy. Thus if there's some sort of power glitch when making the first copy (which happened to me once resulting in a single problem file), it's completely separate from the second (backup) copy. Of course If I had brought a UPS supply on location with me, that problem would probably never have come up!
Needless to say, you will need to be very prepared and accurate on card labeling (perhaps also set up the ID's in the cameras to make it easier for the editor). A nice pre-printed checklist form can also be helpful.
Also, use real SxS cards -- they just plain transfer faster! Just last night I got stuck when the #3 camera had only 32GB SD cards (with adapter), and they transferred about 4x or 5x slower than my G1A cards!
Before the shoot - don't forget to check that all the cameras are on updated firmware -- some of the older firmware won't accept the 32GB and 64GB G1A cards. If you're using computers with expresscard slots, also make sure you have updated SxS drivers.

Alister Chapman
November 9th, 2011, 12:10 PM
Great advice from Dave.

I use the Nexto as well and it's incredibly fast. You could also use the Sony PHU-MS240 as an alternative to the Nexto.

Laptops with express card slots and USB3 drives will also be fast.

Steve Kalle
November 9th, 2011, 12:18 PM
Thanks guys.

I should have added that I am helping a friend and his friend; so, there isn't much of a budget. I am bringing my cameras and I will be the 'XDCAM EX' expert because no one else there has as much experience as me with these cameras. I am even to the point of building a desktop PC with some internal drives and the Siig Expresscard to PCIe adapter I use for downloading SxS cards because it will be the fastest AND I personally know it will work like it should. By this Saturday, I will have gone from just cameraman to also DIT and DoP (without the extra pay unfortunately :(

Dave Gosley
November 9th, 2011, 06:37 PM
Can also help tremendously to make up a set of folders to receive each card content individually before the gig.
I run with 4 cards - 3 x 8GB and a 16GB. Each card is labelled C1 / C2 / C3 / C4 and a folder is on the computer ready for it's footage.
If it's likely they'll go around again I make secondary folders - C1.2 - C2.2 - C3.2 etc..

If I am handing out cards to other camops - I'll also mark the folder with who and camera and sometime their location on the shoot (if fixed).

Set up before you go - they are easy to load into while on the shoot.
Also run a paper sheet that you can tick off each card as loaded onto system and then wiped and who it's gone back out to...

It may be useful - it's certainly kept my footage logged on more than one occasion... using SONY XDCAM EX ClipBrowser V2.6 on a PC laptop


Dustin Moore
November 30th, 2011, 09:50 AM
I have shotput pro on XP and I use it with MXM SXS to SDHC adapters using all Patriot LX Class 10
32GB cards.

I found that shotput pro would spontaneously decide to not copy all of the files over from each
card. I would have to match the files up in explorer and make sure they all got over. It seemed
to work tolerably well if I only downloaded one SXS card at a time (I could slot 4 in the machine).
I don't trust it though.

I resolved at the time that I would write a perl script that would do the copying and write a log etc.
Thanks for reminding me that I need do to do that.

Having multiple machines and testing your workflow are very good recommendations...