View Full Version : S log upgrade problem
Brian Lai November 5th, 2011, 01:24 AM Following instructions, I inserted card but couldn't find the 'version up' in the 'others' menu until I clicked into 'installed options' where I inputted a 4 digit code and told to power off. Power on again and 'versions up' appears but keep getting 'versions upgrade no file'. In desperation I stupidly tried every option including formatting the card - have I lost everything?
Dan Keaton November 5th, 2011, 04:28 AM Dear Brian,
As I understand it, formatting the SxS card will not cause you to loose the S-Log upgrade capability.
The S-Log key is stored in a separate area of the SxS card, one that is not affected by formatting the SxS card.
Brian Lai November 5th, 2011, 03:27 PM Thanks Dan, my subconscious was telling me something similar from reading an earlier Sony release about upgrade procedure. Still, how can I find the file in the card? The instruction suggested 4 possible causes:
- Update data is not saved to root directory of card
- Update data for a different model is saved.
- Data could not be decoded correctly.
- Header info is incorrect.
It says "save the correct update data to an SXS card and restart upgrade from Step 1" How? Did I inadvertently veered into one of the above paths when I access 'install options' and inputted the 4 digit code in order to access the 'versions up' menu? Sorry for my ignorance but going from 1.0 to 1.1 was much simpler.
Alister Chapman November 6th, 2011, 03:11 AM Once you do the update, the update data is removed from the SxS card. So if your camera thinks it has been updated it will have removed the update key from the card. When you remove the key from the camera it gets written back to the SxS card (which does not have to be the card the key was supplied on).
Duke Marsh November 6th, 2011, 05:44 AM Try rebooting again.
There is no immediate noticeable affect. From the Menu select ‘Video Set’ (the third one down on the left) then ‘Dual-Link & Gamma Select’. Then either ‘1.5G RGB444 & S-Log’ or ‘3G RGB444 & S-Log’
Brian Lai November 6th, 2011, 05:27 PM Thanks but no luck. Tried both dual link gamma settings and numerous reboots, but keep getting same msg "Versions upgrade No File". Frustrating, will call Band Pro tomorrow when they open.
Peter G. Johnson November 7th, 2011, 02:29 AM Interestingly when I installed the s-log upgrade it went according to instructions, but I wasn't required to re-enter the PIN as it advised; just instructed to turn the camera off and then back on again. It certainly works though. The software is cleverly encrypted. Only the camera knows it's either there on the SxS card or else already installed. Don't worry. You can't accidentally or deliberately delete it. I think the instructions could've been better. For example, where does it say that s-log will only function on certain frame rates?
Brian Lai November 7th, 2011, 08:22 AM Apparently the upgrade was performed into the camera as soon as the 4 digit key code was entered and 'execute', while I was trying to use the 'versions up' command which wasn't needed, nor the 20 minute wait time with all the steps going from ver. 1.0 to 1.1. which ironically actually felt more 'substantial' than paying $3600 for an 'instant on' fix. Now if somebody can explain the differences between the LUT 709 - 800 vs. the 3 other LUT 709-180's and the two other LUTs with funny numbers...
Duke Marsh November 7th, 2011, 11:11 PM This is part of a post that I wrote for another forum that ought to help.
Finding the setting to turn S-Log on took a little longer. From the Menu select ‘Video Set’ (the third one down on the left) then ‘Dual-Link & Gamma Select’. Then either ‘1.5G RGB444 & S-Log’ or ‘3G RGB444 & S-Log’
When you enable S-Log a whole bunch of menu items change and a few are added.
PRESET WHITE (switchable between 3200k and 5600k. That 5600k side button now works the way I expected.)
A LUT doesn’t affect dual link output. The LUTs only work with S-Log. They CAN be created with CvpFileEditor v4.20 and loaded into the camera with an SxS card. Only 10bit LUTs are supported. 12bit LUTs won’t work. Four LUTs come with it and you can add 5 more LUTs of your own.
The names of the LUTs are actually abbreviations so you can remember them:
709 (800%) is 800% dynamic range, in ITU=R709, just what it sounds like.
HG8009G40 is a Hyper Gamma with 800% dynamic range, 109% white output, and an 18% gray card is 40% video output.
HG8009G33 is a Hyper Gamma with 800% dynamic range, 109% white output, and an 18% gray card is 33% video output.
709 (180%) is a Gamma with an 87% knee point and 180% dynamic range based on ITU-R709.
The original manual doesn’t tell you much of anything. You need the F3 Supplemental Manual. S-Log starts on page 14. BTW, I learned that S-Log stands for Sony Log.
Brian Lai November 8th, 2011, 07:49 AM Many thanks Duke for your detailed reply. On LUT's, I was using 709 with the Alexa and now wondering on the ramifications of using others. So if I judge exposure looking at a HG8009G33 image vs. HG8990G40, will I be underexposing the gray card (at 33% video output vs. 40% on HG8009G40), or is it the other way around? Do you switch LUT's based on different looks you're after and want a look on the monitor to reflect that?