James Donnelly
November 3rd, 2011, 06:19 AM
Just in case anyone isn't aware, there's been an amazing development in Magic Lantern in recent weeks and months - a unified development branch.
This has really helped stability and efficiency in releasing new features. Currently all the ML supported platforms except the 5DII are now benefitting from the latest features where applicable and much greater stability.
Alex has been nominated, and accepted to do the time consuming work of bringing the 5DII into the fold which will have numerous benefits to all 5D II ML users. Hopefully this will mean all the best of AJ's and Alex's amazing work will be brought together at last.
There is a collection underway which has made a good start:
See the thread for the donate link:
5D Mark II - Merging AJ and Unified Magic Lantern versions - Magic Lantern firmware development | Google Groups (http://groups.google.com/group/ml-devel/browse_thread/thread/9e1863e34810c862)
No one has asked me to do this by the way, I just know Alex will deliver once he gets the camera. Seasoned ML users will back this statement up.
Just in case anyone isn't aware, there's been an amazing development in Magic Lantern in recent weeks and months - a unified development branch.
This has really helped stability and efficiency in releasing new features. Currently all the ML supported platforms except the 5DII are now benefitting from the latest features where applicable and much greater stability.
Alex has been nominated, and accepted to do the time consuming work of bringing the 5DII into the fold which will have numerous benefits to all 5D II ML users. Hopefully this will mean all the best of AJ's and Alex's amazing work will be brought together at last.
There is a collection underway which has made a good start:
See the thread for the donate link:
5D Mark II - Merging AJ and Unified Magic Lantern versions - Magic Lantern firmware development | Google Groups (http://groups.google.com/group/ml-devel/browse_thread/thread/9e1863e34810c862)
No one has asked me to do this by the way, I just know Alex will deliver once he gets the camera. Seasoned ML users will back this statement up.