View Full Version : GoPro Hero 2 is here!
Nicholas de Kock October 24th, 2011, 05:43 AM 2x More Powerful in Every Way, The HD HERO2 Democratizes Professional Image Capture and Broadcast with Support for Remote Control and Live Video Streaming from Virtually Anywhere to the Web.
List of HD HERO2 Feature Enhancements:
• Professional 11MP Sensor
• 2x Faster Image Processor
• 2X Sharper Glass Lens
• Professional Low Light Performance
• Full 170º, Medium 127º, Narrow 90º FOV in 1080p and 720p Video
• 120 fps WVGA, 60 fps 720p, 48 fps 960p, 30 fps 1080p Video
• Full 170º and Medium 127º FOV Photos
• 10 11MP Photos Per Second Burst
• 1 11MP Photo Every 0.5 Sec Timelapse Mode
• 3.5mm External Stereo Microphone Input
• Simple Language-based User Interface
• Compatible with Wi-Fi BacPac™ and Wi-Fi Remote™
- Long Range Remote Control of up to 50 GoPro Cameras per Wifi Remote
- Wi-Fi Video/Photo Preview, Playback and Control via GoPro App
- Live Streaming Video and Photos to the Web
HD HERO2 Cameras - Professional Power to the People (
Ronald Jackson October 24th, 2011, 07:47 AM No 25p? Bit of a let down for us in PAL land if not,
Nicholas de Kock October 24th, 2011, 07:53 AM Ron I don't understand it either however when the Hero HD was released it didn't support 25P, was only added in a firmware update a bit later, beyond me why they didn't implement 25P into the Hero 2 straight away.
Zach Love October 24th, 2011, 11:13 AM And the best part, it looks to be the same size, so all the accessories I already own will work with this new camera.
Plus the "original" dropped in price.
Mark Williams October 24th, 2011, 11:30 AM Anyone know if they increased the bitrate or made any codec changes?
Simon Wood October 24th, 2011, 11:53 AM Ha, typical! I just bought a GoPro Hero HD Motorsports at full price about 3 weeks ago.......
The accessories are compatible I take it, which is pretty cool for upgrading?
Rick Presas October 24th, 2011, 12:22 PM 120 and 48 as frame rates?
I'm buying 2.
Luka De Smet October 25th, 2011, 07:48 AM Would love to know if there is a PAL live output and 25 - 50p framerates
Other than that, it looks great!
Edit; Did send a e-mail to the GoPro rep I have contact with.
Hope he can answer my questions soon
Buba Kastorski October 25th, 2011, 07:57 AM 120 and 48 as frame rates?
yeah, but unfortunately 120 fps WVGA, 60 fps 720p, 48 fps 960p, 30 fps 1080p
Chad Haufschild October 25th, 2011, 08:14 AM There's also a mini-HDMI port. I hope it's live out during recording. This might be a way to monitor during 3D shooting when you can't use the LCD BacPac. The different angle of view options look interesting. Looks like they implement a sensor crop to make this happen. The most interesting thing on there website is a spec called "low light" with the description "Professional". Got to wonder what that actually means.
Zach Love October 25th, 2011, 10:52 AM Sorry, I changed my mind. Best part is the video streaming via WIFI bac pac.
Just wow.
I can't wait to take a look at that.
Justin St.Clair Lewis October 25th, 2011, 09:46 PM Looks awesome - sooo excited but....
Hey GoPro - where are the PAL settings (25P / 50P etc)??? Why do we have to go back a step with the format??
Robert Batta October 26th, 2011, 06:32 AM Hero 1 switchable NTSC to PAL
Dylan Couper October 26th, 2011, 08:53 AM Underwhelmed until I see the "Professional low light performance"...
Luka De Smet October 26th, 2011, 01:35 PM Good news for us PAL users!
I got a reply from there GoPro Support
Update for Case #175147 - "PAL support"
Thanks for your interest in GoPro!To answer your question, it does have the PAL support, it does have the live feed for PAL TV and yes the frame setting is 25 and 50p.
Here are some of the great new features of the HD HERO2 camera:
Professional 11MP Sensor
2x Faster Image Processor
2x Sharper Glass Lens
3.5mm Stereo External Mic Input
Professional Low Light Performance
Full 170°, Medium 12°, Narrow 90° FOV in 1080p and 720p Video
120 fps WVGA, 60 fps 720p, 48 fps 960p, 30 fps 1080p Video
Full 170° and Medium 127° FOV Photos
10 11MP Photos Per Second Burst
One 11MP Photo Every 0.5 Sec Time-Lapse Mode
New User Friendly LCD Interface
Compatible Wi-Fi BacPac™ and Wi-Fi Remote™ (coming soon)
If you are interested in purchasing, please visit us online at or contact us at 1-888-600-4659.
Many Thanks,
GoPro Support
Ronald Jackson October 27th, 2011, 12:15 AM When you consider that GoPro company is Australian it b----y well ought to be PAL capable!
PS could make similar comments about lots of the stuff that comes out of China badged as Panasonic w.h.y. with only NTSC capability despite China being the biggest PAL country in the World (or is that India?)
Nicholas de Kock October 27th, 2011, 03:46 AM Luka thanks for the information! Strange how they didn't include that is the press release.
Greg Boston October 27th, 2011, 09:51 AM When you consider that GoPro company is Australian it b----y well ought to be PAL capable!
Sorry Ronald, but last I checked, Half Moon Bay is in California, not Australia.
Here's the company story...
About GoPro - Nick Woodman Talks With Outside TV - YouTube (
Greg Harris November 1st, 2011, 08:40 AM GoPro 2 stunning filming on Vimeo
How was the slow motion done when in 1080? Was it twixtor? I use twixtor but for stuff that's shot in 60frames+ . Either way, it looks great and has moved up to the top of my xmas list.
Dylan Couper November 1st, 2011, 08:52 AM What ever the slo mo is, it's in post. The footage looks great, but mostly because of content shot to make it look great and heavy post production. I always take these with a grain of salt... Not interested until I see footage on youtube from regular shooters.
Ronald Jackson November 1st, 2011, 11:13 AM Sorry Ronald, but last I checked, Half Moon Bay is in California, not Australia.
Here's the company story...
About GoPro - Nick Woodman Talks With Outside TV - YouTube (
Sorry I must have found their Ozz website. Anyway, as I was saying, they bloody well ought to have PAL!
Ian Newland November 27th, 2011, 01:30 AM Also coming in the new FW update is 24p.
Allan Black November 27th, 2011, 05:30 PM GoPro 2 stunning filming on Vimeo (
That footage will sell a lot of cameras .. looks like it meets girls too :)
David M. Cole November 27th, 2011, 06:26 PM Also coming in the new FW update is 24p.
Are you sure 24P is in the cards? I've installed the first update, that supports the 3D kit. No 24P in that update.
Pete Constable December 3rd, 2011, 05:42 PM How was the slo mo achieved ?
Is there any facility for slo mo in the camera itself ?