Leonard Krieger
August 29th, 2005, 03:14 AM
I have been looking into buying a camcorder. I have found that both the Canon Camcorders are highly reccomended. But I have also found that the Elura line from 40, 50 & 70 have a "Tape Eject" problem that when the miniDV tape is inserted it will not record or play the tape. When it does the timecode on the tape has been scrambled. This defect does not manifest itself until after about 1 year of ownership. Does anyone here who owns a 85 or 90 know anything about this defect??? PLEASE HELP!!!! Don't make me buy a $ony!
Michael Wisniewski
August 29th, 2005, 06:23 AM
Here is the official Canon USA Notice (http://consumer.usa.canon.com/ir/controller?act=PgComSmModDisplayAct&keycode=2112&fcategoryid=227&modelid=9037) regarding this problem.
This error/problem can occur normally, in any camcorder, and there are steps you can take to prevent and fix the problem:
1. Don't mix brands of tapes
2. Run a head cleaner through the camcorder
3. Only change tapes in a protected area/environment
If the problem does persist, contact the vendor you bought it from, or Canon directly, to get it repaired.
I've gotten this error myself twice, both times I fixed the problem by running a head cleaner and using a hair dryer to gently blow air into the tape mechanism. I've had my Optura Xi for almost 3 years now. I always use Fuji tapes.
Leonard Krieger
August 31st, 2005, 03:37 AM
Has anyone else heard of this problem? From what I read on other boards your solution doesnt help. Does any one here own the 90 or 85?????
Dale Connelly
January 17th, 2006, 09:46 PM
I have had this same problem previously on my gen 1 optura. The problem was solved by not using old worn out panasonic tapes. Record to them once or twice and no problem. I only used Panasonic throughout the time where I was having this issue and it still happened. The repeat offender was the cassette that came with the camrera. I used it a lot. I have since switched to sony and kept the tape supply fresh. No problems. I think it might be a wear issue for the cassette rather than a panasonic vs sony thing.
I don't believe the glue theory where two brands of tapes have lubricant that transfers to the camera's mechanism and becomes a glue. The fact that I only used panasonic and had the problem reinforces my disbelief. What part of the cassette that has lubricant on it comes in contact with the camera parts? I am not a specialist in tribology, but I am a mechanical engineer. I have never in my life heard of such a thing. I think this is a legend that even service technicians at the oem's have bought into, so no offense to the previous poster.
I don't think you should worry about the remove cassette issue. However, make sure that you have extra's because once the cam thinks it's bad, it's hard to convince it otherwise. I have overcome this previously by advancing the tape some manually.
To summarize, I stopped having the problem when I took my tight wad self to the store and bought some fresh tapes. I cannot prove that it is a worn out tape issue since I also switched to Sony from Panasonic (created new variable), but that is what I suspect is the problem.
Well, I just noticed the dates on the previous postings on this thread. Good greif this Optura forum is slow. Oh well, I hope this post is useful to someone.
Steve Wolla
January 26th, 2006, 12:25 AM
I know this board isn't for the ZR series, but I need some serious help.
I must use a ZR10 for documenting work processes. I have no choice on the cam, nor is there any opportunity to send it in and get it fixed--political problems.
I have used it for the last year and a half, with mixed results. It has not been very reliable, due to intermittent "Tape Eject" warnings cropping up every now and then.
Now (as of this afternoon) the Tape Eject warning is coming up every 5 minutes, in record mode only never in playback. It has not yet damaged any tapes, so I count myself lucky on that front.
I use only Sony Excellence tapes, fresh ones at that. I ran a head cleaner thru it for 10 seconds tonight, and re-ran a short test and it did it again.
Does anyone know what the issue here is with this cam model, and are there any fixes available?
Michael Wisniewski
January 26th, 2006, 06:31 PM
I don't think there's a quick fix for your ZR10. It needs to be sent in for maintenance. Your best bet is to rent, borrow, or purchase another camcorder.