Roger Shealy
October 23rd, 2011, 03:39 PM
On version 10, I found the Sony AVC "Internet" render options very handy, providing a 720-30P and 1080-30P options with adjustable bit rate. I can't find these options on V11, and 30P doesn't seem to be an option. I rendered several test files using Concept AVC, both one and two pass, but the results are inferior to the same files rendered via V10 using Sony AVC, Internet options.
Any thoughts on how to get a really good 30P AVC/.mp4 render on V11 at 720-30P and 1080-30P?
Adam Stanislav
October 23rd, 2011, 03:52 PM
Just click on Customize Template and you can set any options you want. From there, you can even save it as a new template.
Roger Shealy
October 24th, 2011, 04:52 PM
Thanks for the response, but I'm not seeing the options I want. In the V10, you could render to 720-30P.mp4. In V11 if I choose Memory Stick, it doesn't allow HD options, even in custom, If I choose Blu-Ray, it doesn't allow .mp4 as an option, even in custom, and if I choose AVCHD it doesn't write to .mp4 or allow 720 x 1280.
Am I missing something, or do you have a render using Sony AVC to 720-30P.mp4 and 1080-30P.mp4.
I haven't found Main Concept to yield as good a render as the Sony AVC settings, even with higher bit ratings and 2 pass.
Ron Windeyer
October 24th, 2011, 07:42 PM
I had this exact problem initially, but the answer is there.
Pick a Blu-ray template. Under the Video tab you can select frame size, rate, bitrate etc.
Audio tab - include audio.
Now for the crunch - under the System tab you can change the file format from avc to mp4. Voila!!
Rename the template and save it.
Hope that helps.
Roger Shealy
October 24th, 2011, 08:58 PM
Many thanks Ron. The system tab was the answer!
Now I've got to find out why my renders in V11 are slightly slower than V10. A 1:45 project in V10 rendered CPU only to 720-30P 2 5mbps in 2:02. Same project in V11 renders in 2:05 - 2:15 depending on whether in automatic, CPU only, or GPU (same as auto). I'm using a i7-950, GTX470 with lots of fast RAM and SSD + 3 HDD's. Not quite top drawer any more, but not shabby. Should run the acceleration fine and the "Check GPU" validates my system should accelerate. Hmmmm.