View Full Version : Names along tracks

Ron Cooper
October 22nd, 2011, 07:37 PM
In a production such as in music (Vegas Pro 9), where there are lots of separate tracks for each instrument, is it possible to have a name along the timeline or or in the LH boxes to show for track clarification or do I have to resort to a vertical piece of paper stuck on the edge of the monitor to show what instrument each track refers to ?

I notice by right clicking in the LH timeline box you can re-name but this does not seem to show anything. - Any suggestions ?


Ron Windeyer
October 22nd, 2011, 07:48 PM
If it's the box I am thinking of, definitely. Click on the little space, you get an insertion cursor. Type a name (guitar, drum etc etc) and hit ENTER. The track is now named for your convenience.

I usually name my tracks - Titles, Overlay, Video, Audio. Music, Voiceover.

Hope that helps.


Ron Cooper
October 22nd, 2011, 08:22 PM
Thanks for the quick reply Ron. I see now that it appears that after you re-name from this little box showing the trk. no., it then simply shows you this name after you actually hold your mouse over it.

I was hoping there would be some way of visually showing the reference name along the track or even in the LH track box as it is another minor operation to have to move your mouse every time you need to check.

I think that "g'dole " Adobe 6.5 let you show the name all along the timeline if I'm not mistaken.


Mike Kujbida
October 22nd, 2011, 10:32 PM
Once you label a track, it stays named until you decide to change it.

Ron Cooper
October 23rd, 2011, 01:25 AM
Thanks Mike for your input.

However, mine (Veg Pro 9), does not do this ??? I don't get a little white box as shown in your photo. I only get the named track when I hover the mouse over this little box. I tried re-naming etc but it goes away when I remove the pointer. Is there a check box I have missed somewhere ?


Ian Stark
October 23rd, 2011, 02:04 AM
I suspect you have extended the timeline area to the left, thereby shrinking the track header area. Try clicking on the vertical bar just to the right of the solo button (!) . The cursor changes to two vertical lines with arrows on either side. Now drag it to the right so that it's just underneath the Help command on the menu bar. Hopefully the little box will become a bigger box and you can type your track titles in.

Ron Cooper
October 23rd, 2011, 02:17 AM
Brilliant, thanks Ian. That's exactly what's happened. - Voila !! Problem solved.

This is the first time I have thought about this feature but I will certainly be using it more often now.
What a great forum this is.
Thanks again.


Ian Stark
October 23rd, 2011, 02:44 AM
Glad you got it sorted.

I have to confess I'm bad at naming my tracks and only do so in complex projects or when there is something that might be ambiguous. I tend to know what they are just by glancing at the timeline. This is a habit I need to break!