View Full Version : S&Q questions

Jeff Troiano
October 22nd, 2011, 02:20 PM
I posted this question in another thread, that was talking about the hyperdeck and the fs100. I didn't get any a response. So I figured id start a thread and ask a couple questions.

When using an external recording device, via the hdmi output, does the S&Q function still work the same, or is that only when recording to the card?

Also, I know S&Q won't record to the fmu, but if I record it normally, and transfer to the fmu, using the copy function, will this allow to save S&Q clips over on the fmu?

I'm chomping at the bit to get my hands on the fs100. But with canons announcement only a little over a week away, I'm on hold. That, and I'm still a little shy of the money I need for my initial package, that I'm buying. I wasn't going to get the fmu at first, but the new rebate has changed my mind.

Thanks for the replies, I've been saving for a camera for a while now. Was saving for a 5Dii, but decided to wait for the mk iii announcement. Then came along the fs100, and that was just what I was looking for. So I continued to save. Im almost there and ready to get shooting.


Doug Jensen
October 22nd, 2011, 04:14 PM
Quote: "Also, I know S&Q won't record to the fmu"

That is not true. You can record S&Q to the FMU, but you cannot record S&Q simultaneously to the internal memory card and the FMU. It has to be one or the other. That is a point I did not make very clear in my FS100 training DVD and I apologize to anyone who has been mislead by the way I explained it. Sorry about that.

As for recording S&Q to an external device, I've never bothered to try, but it would probably depend on the device itself. However, in my opinion, there would be no benefit to recording to an external device anyway even if it can be done. My testing of the FS100's internal recording vs. a NanoFlash at 100Mbps has shown to me that there is no visual difference. It is not worth the hassle of the external recorder.

Jeff Troiano
October 22nd, 2011, 04:43 PM
Thanks as always for the reply, Doug.

I remember reading in a thread, where you mentioned the differences (or lack of differences) between the internal recording and using a nanoflash.

My only interest in using an external recorder would be for scenarios where I plan to use a lot of After Effects on the scene. I was figuring the "raw footage" would hold up a little better. Of course I may be completely wrong about that. But my indie aspirations include much AE, and 3D modeling programs.

Paul Cascio
October 29th, 2011, 10:54 AM
Sorry, but what's S&Q?

Jeff Troiano
October 29th, 2011, 11:53 AM
Sorry, but what's S&Q?

S&Q stands for slow and quick motion.

The Sony FS100 is able to do slow motion and quick motion internally.

Doug Jensen
October 29th, 2011, 11:54 AM
Slow and Quick Motion.

Otherwise known as overcranking and undercranking.

Shaun Roemich
November 1st, 2011, 12:34 AM
Having done so this weekend, I can tell you that in S&Q in the camera, the internal card will be written as S&Q while the hdmi to the external recorder (in our case, the atomos ninja) will be in "normal" real time.

The hdmi feed is a video feed, not a data feed.

Piotr Wozniacki
November 1st, 2011, 07:07 AM
Having done so this weekend, I can tell you that in S&Q in the camera, the internal card will be written as S&Q while the hdmi to the external recorder (in our case, the atomos ninja) will be in "normal" real time.

The hdmi feed is a video feed, not a data feed.

And it's good to have it that way - using external recorder simultaneously, one can get both the cranked and normal video...

Jeff Troiano
November 1st, 2011, 08:53 AM
And it's good to have it that way - using external recorder simultaneously, one can get both the cranked and normal video...

That's a great point, and I'm happy you posted that. I was just thinking the other day, I'd love to be able to shoot undercranked and regular speed and be able to cut them together seamlessly.

Shaun Roemich
November 1st, 2011, 09:45 AM
Piotr: I agree! And was pleasantly surprised that even though the internal S&Q recording at overcrank doesn't have audio, the hdmi feed DOES so we have the ability to record camera audio without need of having an external audio recorder.

Rob Katz
November 3rd, 2011, 10:26 AM
Quote: "Also, I know S&Q won't record to the fmu"

That is not true. You can record S&Q to the FMU, but you cannot record S&Q simultaneously to the internal memory card and the FMU. It has to be one or the other. That is a point I did not make very clear in my FS100 training DVD and I apologize to anyone who has been mislead by the way I explained it. Sorry about that.

As for recording S&Q to an external device, I've never bothered to try, but it would probably depend on the device itself. However, in my opinion, there would be no benefit to recording to an external device anyway even if it can be done. My testing of the FS100's internal recording vs. a NanoFlash at 100Mbps has shown to me that there is no visual difference. It is not worth the hassle of the external recorder.


so in the menu, is there an option to point the s&q footage to the fmu (or sd card)?

as always, thanks in advance.

be well

smalltalk productions

Doug Jensen
November 3rd, 2011, 12:23 PM
Yes. That is correct.

Rob Katz
November 3rd, 2011, 03:40 PM

thanks for the quick reply.

i just watched your vimeo of the fs100.

you sure make the rhode island coast/newport harbor look as beautiful as it is.

i remain impressed.

as always, i appreciate the effort to keep us informed.

be well

smalltalk productions

Simon Spear
December 22nd, 2011, 11:49 AM
Hi all.

I'm a new FS100 owner who's been looking at the overcranking features and I'm a bit stumped as to the best option for Slowmo.

Do you guys use 1080/50p PS to maintain the audio and then conform to 25p?


Do you use the 1080/25p 50fps via the S&Q menu and dump the audio?

I'm coming from a 7D where we'd shoot 720/50p at 1/100 and then conform to 25p in post. Capturing in 50p on the FS100 appears to add additional steps (and time) to the workflow as FCP doesn't recognise the 50p files so is there any other benefit to shooting 1080/50p PS than maintaining the audio track? Is it better quality at 28mbps than the 24mbps 1080/25p 50fps setting in S&Q? If not then why shoot 50p?

Thanks in advance for your insights.

Cheers, Simon

Piotr Wozniacki
December 23rd, 2011, 02:29 AM
Guys - there is no such thing as 1080/25p 50 fps - if it's 50 fps, then it's 1080/50p!

Simon Spear
December 23rd, 2011, 03:09 PM
Guys - there is no such thing as 1080/25p 50 fps - if it's 50 fps, then it's 1080/50p!

Hi Piotr - this is partly why I am confused. In the S&Q settings there are three options 1080/50p PS, 1080/25p FX and 1080/25p FH. While I have not tried the FH setting if you record 1080/25p FX at 50fps you get footage recorded at 24mpbs without audio that is already slowed down to half speed when it is imported. If you select 1080/50p PS then you get footage recorded at 28mbps with an audio feed thrown in too, but the footage is not automatically slowed down on import (I have to conform to 25p in Cinema Tools to slow it down).

So for Slow motion are you guys using the 1080/50p or 1080/25p setting in S&Q and what is the reasoning behind the option you are using? Does the 1080/50p setting in S&Q give you better quality footage or is the extra recording bit rate just used to carry the audio track?

Piotr Wozniacki
December 23rd, 2011, 03:41 PM
This behavior is normal, and exactly what Slow Motion (or "overcranking") is about:

- you shoot what is intended to be 1080/25p (at 25 fps), but recording 50 fps. Then, on playback (25 fps), you're getting 2x slower motion (and no audio).

The 1080/50p mode on the FS100 has nothing to do with S&Q; it's a recording format on its own and can carry audio track, as well. Of course you can slow it down in post, but that's another thing to on-camera slow motion recording.

Hope this helps


Jeff Troiano
December 23rd, 2011, 05:02 PM
Ok, I'm going to take a stab at this one. Hopefully I understand correctly.

There are 2 settings that you set, in S&Q. One is for your playback frame rate. For me, that is usually 24p or 30p. But it could be 60p, if I want super quick motion. So once i set my "conform to" rate, then I choose the frame rate for desired effect. If I'm conforming to 30p, and I choose 60p, I'll get 1/2 speed playback. If I record a frame rate at less then 30p, and then conform to 30p, I'll get quick motion. But your example of choosing 50p as your conform to frame rate, then trying to do 50p S&Q, basically all you are doing is recording normal video. That's why you'd get audio upon play back. When recording 1 rate (60p for me), and playing back at another (30p for me), you get no audio, because the audio would be a slowed down version of the actual recorded audio.

Hope that makes sense.

Simon Spear
December 23rd, 2011, 05:34 PM
Everyone is making sense, but that is not really what I'm asking.

You can use 50p/60p using 1/100 or 1/120 shutter and conform to 24p/25p/30p in Cinema Tools (Mac) to get slowmo from the 50p/60p setting (this is what everyone has been doing with 720/50p & 720/60p on HDSLR's to get slowmo). The added bonus with this on the FS100 is that you maintain an audio track which you can strip out before conforming and therefore retain audio at normal speed if required. In many reviewers opinions this was a big plus when shooting slowmo on the FS100. While this is a more involved workflow than using the 1080/25p or 1080/30p FX/FH settings I was wondering if there was actually any difference in quality between the 24mbps 24p/25p/30p and 28mbps 50p/60p settings hence asking what everyone was using.

Perhaps I didn't explain myself very well, but thanks for the input!

Amir Qureshi
February 4th, 2014, 01:33 AM
I know this is a dead thread, but now that I am trying to record the overcranked footage to an external recorder from FS100' HDMI (if it even sends the overcranked signal out of its HDMI) I thought maybe I should try to bring this one back to life again.

So what I have learned from reading this thread is that while in S&Q mode, the camera will record overcranked (say 1080/24p 60fps) internally on its SD cards, but it will send only a 1080p 60 (playback rate of 60 fps) out of its HDMI output, correct?

And if the above is correct, then all FS100 is really doing is capturing the image at 60 frames per second (as it would normally do for its non-cranked 1080p 60 mode) but right before it writes these frames to the internal SD card(s) its actually stamping these frames with the playback frame rate of 24fps on the meta data. And while this happens the originally captured 60 frames per second images are being sent out thru HDMI as is with their original playback frame rate meta data of 60 fps without any change . Hence the 1080p 60 output from the HDMI while in S&Q mode, as well as the embedded audio.

If the above theory is correct, then after recording my footage externally as 1080 60p signal, all I have to do is re-stamp the playback frame rate to 24 fps, and thats really it, correct? Or if my external recorder allows for it, just tell it to set the playback frame rate of the incoming signal as 24 fps.

Any caveats? Shutter speed, etc.?

Simon were you ever able to figure out if there was really any quality difference between the PS and FX overcranked modes (24 vs 28 mbps)?
