View Full Version : Sony EX3 - Canon T3I

Ed Przyzycki
October 18th, 2011, 10:04 AM
This is a far-from-scientific comparison between these two cameras.

The first clip is a split screen captured in real-time. The other samples are unrelated - just showing how the two cameras can blend without any color grading in post.

I just went out a picked up a Canon T3I for less than $800. (Stock Lens/Unchanged-Default Profile) I added a cheap polarizer.

On the EX3, I have a custom profile modified from Doug Jensen's to bring up the contrast - stock lens and polarizer as well.

I'm surprised at how well a $800 camera compares to an $8000 camera. Yes, you can see the loss in the details on the Canon, but for web use -and even on my less-than-color-accurate monitor compressed to BluRay - things actually blend.


Also - I'm editing on a PC with CS5 - using a XDCAM EX timeline. I didn't use any intermediate codec, and I had no problem editing. (Compressing for output is another story) Is using the EX3 timeline the best approach for non-color-grading? I look forward to using the EX for the A cam and the T3I for my B cam (with beauty DOF shots). I encourage you to post your efforts here as well.

Sony EX3 - Canon T3I Comparison Tests - YouTube (

Toshiba Laptop X505-898 | Core™ i7-740QM | NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 460M | 6GB DDR3 1066MHz memory | Adobe CS5 | Sony EX3 | Canon T3I | Sennheiser G2 | Lights, etc