View Full Version : Broken camera need help please

Andrew Mills
August 28th, 2005, 04:42 PM
When I got back from shooting today I went to capture the footage on my capture cam and when I put the tape in it gave me an error number. The camera would not eject the tape so I had to pry open the tape door and I ended up ripping the plastic cable out that was connected to the tape door. I was just wondering how much it would cost to get this repaired and if I can repair this myself.

Boyd Ostroff
August 28th, 2005, 04:47 PM
Andrew, I think we're going to need some more specific information about the make and model of your camera before suggesting what to do. Sounds a lot like something you'll need to send back to the manufacturer to fix however. Aside from the damage you did, there's also the issue of the original error code that was displayed.

Chris Hurd
August 28th, 2005, 04:49 PM
Hi Andrew,

You're not saying what make or model your camcorder is, but any repair of this nature is pretty much out of an owner's hands and your best course of action is to send it to the nearest factory service center for that manufacturer. Contact information for authorized service centers are usually found on the manufacturer's web site. Good luck,

Andrew Mills
August 28th, 2005, 04:51 PM
The camera model is jvc gr-d30u.