View Full Version : Grocery Store Sea Otters

David Rice
October 16th, 2011, 05:43 PM
Sea Otter footage that I took from my local community grocery store parking lot this morning. Used a Canon 60D and a 100-400mm lens.

Grocery Store Sea Otters on Vimeo

Ralph Gereg
October 16th, 2011, 08:25 PM
Hi David...

You totally got my attention with your title "Grocery store sea otters".... Had to watch :) Some pretty cool shots of the otters too, it's hard to believe you were in a store parking lot. The only part I did not really "get" was the suspenseful ominous music you had in the background. I kept expecting that something bad was going to happen to those poor little sea otters before the end of your film...

David Rice
October 16th, 2011, 09:48 PM
I kept expecting that something bad was going to happen to those poor little sea otters before the end of your film...

Alaska Natives are still allowed to hunt Sea Otter. They take about 400 a year in my area alone. Many more are harvested further north.