View Full Version : Rendering or Saving Issues Vegas Pro 10d

Allen Campbell
October 13th, 2011, 06:53 AM
A struggling noob I have been OK until I try and work with a video and just want to save it as is but for the dubbing and brightness.

I have a clip from a Kodak Zi8 shot in 720p that saves as a .MOV file
I drag it into the time line, delete the audio track, dub out what I don't want, and use levels to brighten it to what I need and then go to Render and this is where I have issues.

I cannot seem to get it to save or render in the same size and if so it says it cannot play it.

Is there a way to just brighten it up and save it in the original format? Does it have to be rendered?


Don Bloom
October 13th, 2011, 08:32 AM
What version of Vegas are you using and what are you trying to render it back out to?

Allen Campbell
October 13th, 2011, 08:40 AM
Vegas Pro 10d.

Its like this.

When I play the file as shot (720p) from the SD card (.MOV) its very large on the screen. Nice.
Then I want to chop out some segments and use Levels to brighten up the remaining and just save it just like that.

But I cannot seem to fathom how. It seems Vegas wants to render it no matter what. When I do render the on screen size is smaller when played. No matter what I experiment with.

Is there a way to just trim or dub, (I delete the sound tracks), brighten and save without rendering?


Seth Bloombaum
October 13th, 2011, 10:12 AM
...Is there a way to just trim or dub, (I delete the sound tracks), brighten and save without rendering?
No, you need to render this.

Seems like you need some basic info on working in Vegas, I highly recommend Edward Troxel's excellent newsletters. (

For the problem at hand, first make sure that your project properties match your camera clips. You can do this by opening the project properties dialog, select File | Properties, and click the little folder icon in the upper right. The rollover tool tip will read "Match media settings". Then, select a typical clip.

This gives you better performance out of Vegas overall, and also allows it to suggest appropriate formats when you do render (v10pro and later).

Now, when you render, select an output format - (what have you been selecting? Is it that you want the clip back on an SD card for playback on an HDTV? Really hard to give specifics here, as you've not written about how you want to use the clip.)

Click the "custom" button in the "Render as" dialog, and confirm that your render is the same size as your camera clips, and see if that gets you closer.

If you want more specific guidance we'll need more info...