View Full Version : Capturing from camcorder

Tony Marino
October 12th, 2011, 06:02 PM
Hi, I'm new to using Sony Movie Studio HD Plat 11 and new to using any program. I captured a tape from my vixia 30 via firewire and used the hdv option. The tutorial said to use dv, but when I do it say Canon vixia hv30 cannot be opened. Maybe I'm not doing it correctly. I go to project, capture video and select dv. Which method of capture will give me the best quality hd video? Also, I'm guessing I cannot edit standard mini dv tapes. It's only hd footage correct?



Edward Troxel
October 13th, 2011, 06:48 AM
The HD cameras have two options in the camera menus - HD and SD (although they're not usually called that") It sounds like yours is currently set to HD so the HD capture option would be correct for capturing HD tapes. But, yes, you can also capture SD tapes - just change your camera's mode and then the SD capture will work correctly (and the HD one will not).

Naturally HD has higher resolution but both/either can be easily edited in Vegas.