View Full Version : Wedding setup

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Thomas E. Smith
October 24th, 2011, 08:05 AM
Thank you both for your suggestions. I think I'll go with the HD1000, but I'm probably going to wait until I after I get the rest of my gear.

I also saw something called the Flycam Nano, but from what I've read it's not built nearly as well as the Glidecam.

Thomas Smet
October 24th, 2011, 01:23 PM
Hey Thomas I'm not sure how many outdoor weddings you shoot but you should really consider getting some faster lenses. I shot a wedding this weekend for a friend. We had a Sony EX1 a Panasonic HMC40 and a GH1 there. I finally broke down this weekend and bought the Panasonic 45-200mm lens. Best Buy was selling it in California for $260.00 which is close to the best price I found on Amazon so I bought it. The lens looked gorgeous along with all my other Lumix lenses but indoors it was next to useless. Granted it was a very dark venue at night but my 14-45 and 45-200 were useless. My 20mm Pancake however saved the day and kicked the living crap out of my HMC40. The only downside of course is the total lack of zooming and the horrendous auto focus on that lens. It bit me in the but a couple of times. Another friend with the EX1 could only stay for the Ceremony.

All of this made me even more think about just ditching both the GH1 and the HMC40 and spending the bucks on a 1/2" chip camera. Yes they cost a lot more but are well worth it. Trying to juggle between the flexible video camera and a more sensitive DSLR is a pain at a wedding. If I did weddings that would really be on my mind right now. Since I mostly do scripted work I'm fine with the GH1 for now but the next time a friend asks me to video tape their wedding I think I might just rent a EX1.

Thomas E. Smith
October 24th, 2011, 01:37 PM
I actually did buy some faster lenses. I posted my newest setup on page 3.
I'm selling my 14-45mm and buying a 14mm f2.5, 20mm f1.7, and a 45mm f1.8. The AF on the 45mm is supposedly lighting fast, so I think it'll work well for the manned camera.
I'll probably keep the 45-200mm for other purposes since I realize that it's not nearly fast enough for indoor work.

Thomas E. Smith
November 7th, 2011, 12:21 PM
I got the 45mm today. Love it so far.

It turned out that the AVTP tripod's tilt was no good, so I had to send it back.
I picked up a Manfrotto 560-B monopod, which I'm hoping to use for the ceremony and to switch between it and a Glidecam for the reception.