View Full Version : 36 Mbps JVC PX10 $899

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Steve Nunez
October 6th, 2011, 05:38 AM
HD Memory Camera - GC-PX10 - Introduction (

I'm surprised this hasn't been discussed......very interesting feature set and video capabilities......coming out very soon.

Be sure to check out the micro site for it on the page linked above......also impressive demo video is linked inside.

Christopher Young
October 6th, 2011, 06:56 AM
Wow! That is a whole new approach. 300fps video and stills output of 130 at 60fps in video mode (16:9)] at 3840x2160 size? This is a whole new place we are going to at what $900? More at

GC-PX10 HD Memory Camera | JVC (


Steve Nunez
October 6th, 2011, 07:35 AM
Impressive spec 36mbps it outpaces JVC's own new HM100U!
"This changes everything" might be applicable with this small wonder-cam.....can't wait for a review.

(There are sample videos floating around- they look incredibly sharp and detailed with very nice color....I hope the IS is good!)

B&H says available this month........I'm ready!

Jack Zhang
October 6th, 2011, 07:39 AM
It's form factor is very similar to the Sony DSC-F717:

Chris Medico
October 6th, 2011, 07:53 AM
I'll be most interested in seeing how the slow-mo footage looks.

300fps is plenty fast to do some really nice work for action scenes.

Tim Polster
October 6th, 2011, 08:08 AM
About the sensor size, is this between a 2/3" and 4/3rds sensor?

Chris Medico
October 6th, 2011, 08:29 AM
No. Its between 1/2 and 1/3.

From the product website:

1/2.3-inch 12.75M Back-illuminated CMOS

Info on sizes:

Dylan Couper
October 6th, 2011, 08:59 AM
I'll be most interested in seeing how the slow-mo footage looks.

300fps is plenty fast to do some really nice work for action scenes.

Agreed. I'll buy one in a heartbeat if it's 300fps at 720p or better... they *conveniently* don't tell you anywhere what resolution it shoots 300fps at though. Could easily be sub-VGA and still look great on their website. it does look very good compared to other 300fps cameras though.

Steve Nunez
October 6th, 2011, 09:12 AM
Actually the form factor resembles a camera/camcorder they had awhile back called the JVC MC500 (and later MC505).......they didn't copy Sony's F505 series as they had this body around the same time (I owned a few- back in the days of IBM's Microdrives!)
See here;

As for the 300fps- I believe it shoots that at 640X360- I recall something like that!

Chris Medico
October 6th, 2011, 11:13 AM
Bummer on the low rez output for the slow-mo. Thats not going to be good enough. 720p would work but VGA rez wont.

Glen Vandermolen
October 6th, 2011, 03:13 PM
This must be the first of the Falcon Brid cameras. I've wondered when they'd come out.
I like the design.

Steve Nunez
October 6th, 2011, 03:19 PM
Yes, this chip is reported to be able to handle 4K2K footage .....I guess that's why it can easily output 1080P60 and all those other super-fast high-megapixel frame-rate burst photos!

Check out the detail at 0:33 seconds of this clip:

Zach Love
October 6th, 2011, 03:44 PM
Looks really nifty.

I'm just going to put it out there that bit rate isn't everything.

A Canon 7D vs Canon XF300, both are close to 50mbps, one is h.264 the other is Mpeg 2. On paper the h.264 codec should completely kick the mpeg2 codec in the rear end.

Yet everyone who does DSLR work knows that the codecs are the greatest. And at the same time the XF codec gets great reviews from some people who view good video quality is next to godliness.

Bit rate isn't everything. The large picture of bit rate, compression, color space... pretty much how well the codec was put together really matters the most.

I'll chime in that if it was 300fps for 720p I'd be really excited. Even 240fps or 180fps at 720p would be exciting.

Dylan Couper
October 6th, 2011, 04:33 PM
As for the 300fps- I believe it shoots that at 640X360- I recall something like that!

Thanks Steve. It's getting there but not yet. The Nikon J1 is about that speed at that res I think. (I'm in the market for cheap high speed, can you tell? :)

Steve Nunez
October 6th, 2011, 04:50 PM
Dylan, you're welcome.
Zach agreed GH2 is hacked and producing well over 100mbps video and I absolutely love's not a camcorder in any traditional sense and this JVC intrigues me more of a "camcorder" device and the relatively high bitrate is impressive....but agreed not everything; the codec and other factors all play in..........still super interested in getting one if the IS is good and if the footage doesn't display blown highlights which in my experience has always been a problem for JVC camcorders.

Dom Stevenson
October 6th, 2011, 09:20 PM
This thing looks amazing. The lines between consumer, prosumer and professional seem to get more blurred by the day. I'm looking for a new camera to go with my 5d mkii and while the xf100 is still the main contender, new camera's at half the price keep turning up that make me think again.

Zach Love
October 7th, 2011, 08:40 AM
Dom Stevenson: "The lines between consumer, prosumer and professional seem to get more blurred by the day."

I agree in the quality of the image, but the biggest difference is still having professional controls & a professional user interface. I want my video camera to have a Preset / A / B white balance toggle switch. A Low / Med / Hi gain toggle switch. TC control... etc. etc. etc.

For professionals it is great that we can now get cheap consumer / prosumer cameras to use as a B cameras to cut with our main cameras. It is also great that people with limited buget, but endless creativity, can create professional looking products, without the cost barrier to get into the professional line of equipment.

But I think there is always going to be a very not-blurred hard line between the cameras sold at Best Buy & the cameras for professionals that cost more than the average new car.

Steve Nunez
October 7th, 2011, 09:55 AM
Craig Yanagi do you know anything about this camera that you can speak of?
Does anyone know when it will be on store shelves........I haven't seen that info anywhere and was wondering if someone here caught that info?

I found a Vimeo clip where the user had a Japanese version and while the video was very impressive in detail capture, I did notice highlight clipping and chromatic aberrations- sad!

I did however find this site that had a review of the already released Japanese version.....I think it is identical to the US version (unconfirmed);’s-new-gc-px1-high-speed-hybrid-camera-a-step-in-the-right-direction
(I hope linking to an offsite review is not in violation of this forums rules- Mr. Hurd please remove if so, and accept my apologies.)

Dylan Couper
October 8th, 2011, 09:36 AM
Review says 640x480 @ 300fps. That's pretty decent for web delivery.

Prech Marton
October 9th, 2011, 06:01 AM
Yeah, but many people (me too) still wait for 720p minimum.

Dylan Couper
October 9th, 2011, 08:37 AM
Why wait? You can get what you want for only $13,000 more right now! ;)

Prech Marton
October 9th, 2011, 09:13 AM
Yes of course :P

Tom Bostick
October 9th, 2011, 11:57 AM
it would sell like hotcakes if it had 720p/300fps

Dylan Couper
October 9th, 2011, 02:29 PM
If anyone made a 720p 300+fps camera even under $5000 it would sell like beer at a hockey game.

Prech Marton
October 9th, 2011, 02:32 PM
I hope we can get it in 2 years!

Steve Nunez
October 9th, 2011, 02:36 PM
I think it's coming.....the demand is there.....someone will make it...wouldn't surprise me if it were JVC seeing as to how they like to innovate and sell pioneering cameras!
JVC was first on the scene with their JVC HD10U's way back when HD first hit the consumer marketplace!
Casio may do it as well as they seem to like to market "high speed" cameras.

Mikko Topponen
October 10th, 2011, 06:23 AM
I want my video camera to have a Preset / A / B white balance toggle switch. A Low / Med / Hi gain toggle switch.

What the? Those are some of the most silliest things about regular videocameras. The only way to change gain is to go into the menu, set 3 (!!) presets and then switch between those presets with a toggle switch.

Who designs these? Compared to a DSLR where it is extremely easy to change ISO or WB. It is about 5x more work for even professional cams.

Dylan Couper
October 10th, 2011, 08:35 AM
Steve... Fujifilm has made a couple of highspeed camera attempts too, though I'd put a beer on it being Casio that 720p first in a still camera, followed by JVC in a real video camera.

Unless of course Red ever delivers a Scarlet, which may do 120fps in HD. Though 120fps doesn't have the wow factor. 400-600 is what I'm looking for.

Zach Love
October 10th, 2011, 10:12 PM
What the? Those are some of the most silliest things about regular videocameras. The only way to change gain is to go into the menu, set 3 (!!) presets and then switch between those presets with a toggle switch.

Who designs these? Compared to a DSLR where it is extremely easy to change ISO or WB. It is about 5x more work for even professional cams.

This has been the standard since the first time I picked up a Betacam, so it has been working for a lot of people for a long time. Though mostly I guess because historically gain=bad, so L/M/H really stands for "Off / Bad / Worse." So I learned to & I prefer to set my gain to the presets of "bad & worse" that I'll tolerate for the shoot I'm on & hope that I don't need to use them as gain is always the last resort.

DSLRs are designed for a different shooting style. The larger chips are more forgiving to high ISO settings, so it makes sense that you'd want easy access to change those settings.

Video cameras are getting "cleaner" gain settings, so maybe it'll change as better cameras come out.

As for white balance, I think the Preset / A / B is nearly. Only that would be nice is easier manual white balance shifting with out going into a menu.

Glen Vandermolen
October 10th, 2011, 10:20 PM
If anyone made a 720p 300+fps camera even under $5000 it would sell like beer at a hockey game.

As long as it's Molson, eh.

Emmanuel Plakiotis
October 12th, 2011, 05:13 AM
It's kind of funny when you think that this inexpensive camera is 4K 60p for 2 seconds. and something like 6k 30p for maybe more (its not specified). Rodriguez would have love it.
Definitely a sign of of times.

Steve Nunez
October 15th, 2011, 10:39 AM
JVC GC-PX10 Hybrid Falconbrid HighSpeed Camera Quick Look | The Photography Channel | ShortForm (

Just a bit more info~

Thomas Smet
October 15th, 2011, 12:38 PM
640x360 at 300fps interpolated to 1280x720 or 1280x720 at 60fps interpolated to 300 fps. In my experience it is much easier to up convert resolution then it is to up convert framerate. While it is very soft I'm not sure if I would count it out just yet. Most of us tech geeks may freak out at the thought but then again in theory a Canon 7D only resolving 540 lines with moire sounds pretty bad as well but look where that thing has gone. People are a lot more forgiving of resolution then they are of jacked up framerate conversions. This could make for some very interesting web based series.

Mikko Topponen
October 17th, 2011, 01:39 AM
Though the Casio EX-F1 has absolutely horrible quality in it's 300fps slow mo mode. Eventhough the resolution is small, also the compression artifacts completely destroy it.

We did try a test though with the Canon 7d but had to use a vhs-style filter to get them even close... Lazer Soldier - feat 300fps vhs slow mo! - YouTube (

Hope the JVC fares better.

Steve Nunez
October 23rd, 2011, 01:45 PM
B&H Price Reduction~
Price: $899.95
Instant Savings: -$100.00
You Pay: $799.95

Strange thing is that this discount ends Nov, 4th, yet it's not available and we are at the end of October (supposedly available Oct, yet not avail yet!)

I'm hoping for a release any day now as to read "reviews."

Steve Nunez
November 1st, 2011, 03:33 PM
B&H now has them in stock.........who will be the first to get one and review it?

Glen Vandermolen
November 2nd, 2011, 06:16 AM
B&H now has them in stock.........who will be the first to get one and review it?

It's tempting. I like the concept and design. The FALCONBRID chip looks pretty amazing. I think JVC will use it on their little 4K camera coming out next year.
But I already spend a bunch on my FS100. Actually, after spending two days last week shooting in the rain, I like the idea of the NX70.

Steve Nunez
November 2nd, 2011, 08:43 AM
Glen how do you know they are releasing a 4k camera next year, has this been announced, did I miss it?

What is the exact resolution of 4k?
Seems like a new bandwagon is coming and everyone will want to be on board.

Glen Vandermolen
November 2nd, 2011, 09:10 AM
Here's a few links to the camera. It looks like it's built on the HM100 body. It has 4 HD/SDI outputs, with each one covering 1K. Not sure of the release date, but I've heard sometime next year. But it may never be released as it is, who knows?

JVC 4K at Cine Gear | Film and Digital Times: News (

Notice the PX10 in the foreground. It seems both cameras use the FALCONBRID "brain."

IBC 2011: JVC 4k camera, Sony F65 and more | Philip Bloom (

And, of course, a thread in this website:

Steve Nunez
November 2nd, 2011, 03:05 PM
If it can keep highlights in check and has decent dynamic range- should be a great start to 4K!
Thanks Glen~

Steve Nunez
November 4th, 2011, 03:36 PM
'Digital Camera Review' really trashed this camera's still imaging capabilities......the video capabilities weren't tested as they leave that up to their sister site......but for stills they really trashed it....sad!

Brian Tori
November 5th, 2011, 01:10 PM
This looks like an interesting camera. There are some things I would like to know however:

1. Does it output a signal through HDMI while recording?
2. Does it stop down in 1/3 increments or full stops?
3. What is the minimum aperture it closes to? F16, F22 etc...
4. What are the choices in shutter speed in video mode?

I noticed it's now in stock at B&H. Has anyone acquired one yet?

Steve Nunez
November 9th, 2011, 04:24 PM
Well I've setup a Google alert for any videos posted regarding this new JVC.
From what I see it produces very sharp video (lens) but does suffer a small amount when movement is introduced into the video. It also seems to exhibit highlight clipping and has a terrible color cast when skies are in the could make a camcorder replacement for an average user but I think the enthusiasts here will find the diminished dynamic range and color casts not within acceptable ranges for their works.

Sad, JVC always brings new and exciting products to the market first and somehow manages to miss the mark for dedicated enthusiasts........this camera will likely see a price reduction as word is already circulating as to it's poor still image only has video as it's strong point and at that it seems average at best.
(It's already down $100 @ B&H)

I'll skip on this purchase- they almost had me!
(They need to steal some Canon engineers~)

Brian Tori
November 9th, 2011, 05:21 PM
Price at B&H is at $899. I remember at one point last week it was $799.

Steve Nunez
November 9th, 2011, 06:12 PM
I've noticed some price jumping during this last 2 weeks at B& you've stated this camera was lower priced and just went up. The Panasonic GH2 also has undergone this same price fluctuation as well as other cameras as well. Not sure if the upcoming "shopping season" has anything to do with it- but it might be the culprit. At one point the GH2 was $899 w/14-42 lens which was a sweet deal and with the 14-140 it was $1299......they are up a bit now on those prices......

.....guess the stores are gearing for the holiday shoppers.

Jordan Nash
November 10th, 2011, 10:00 AM
If I can buy a Canon T3i for about the same price, why should I buy the PX10?

Brian Tori
November 10th, 2011, 12:11 PM

I used to own a T2i which is very similar to the T3i which you're considering. I am also considering the PX10. Here is my opinion:

1. 1080 60p. The PX10 shoots this framerate the T3i only does 720 60p.
2. Reduced moire/aliasing. The Canon DSLR's suffer from this especially at 720p.
3. No 12 minute clip limit. The Canon camera's have this limit at the native bitrate.
4. No overheating(assumed). Although the T3i should be better than the T2i in this area.
5. Headphone jack to monitor audio. The T3i even with Magic Lantern will not allow audio monitoring.
6. Full HD HDMI monitoring. I believe the T3i only allows a SD quality output.

Before I buy th PX10 though, I want to be able to download some raw clips to test with CS5 on my system.

Ed David
November 26th, 2011, 07:19 AM
found a sample video made by JVC:
JVC GC-PX10 Full HD 1080p Hybrid Digital Camera/Camcorder - YouTube (

unfortuately looks too low resolution for the 300 FPS footage. oh well. will keep waiting.

Pete Constable
December 5th, 2011, 04:31 PM
Why wait? You can get what you want for only $13,000 more right now! ;)

Whats around that does shoot slo mo at a decent resolution

Ron Johnson
December 11th, 2011, 12:53 AM
From the web site, software is included with this camera that only works on Windows. Is there anyone familiar with what this software's capabilities can do who would be willing to comment?

Is the video format compatible with NLEs on Apple platforms?

thank you,
Ron J.