View Full Version : Is your all day package include the whole photo session?

Kren Barnes
October 5th, 2011, 04:13 PM

Just a quick survey whether you actually stay and film the whole duration of the photo session for your all day package. We want to make changes to our video packages given this year, especially with early morning weddings, we were following the photog and B&G for the photoshoot locations and filming them for 4-5 hours prior to the reception..



Don Bloom
October 5th, 2011, 04:19 PM
If you're talking about the photo shoot after the ceremony, then yes, I include that. The formal shoot at the church (talking about traditional ceremony in a church of course) and 1---ONE location other than that. Unless I'm way north suburbs and they go downtown then there is an extra charge.
I limit it to one location other than the ceremony venue simply because I've had wedding in the past where they want to go to 4 different places and they're all scattered so I limit it.
Before the ceremony generally we're at one place, the hotel or house or whereever the bride is getting ready. I shoot the guys stuff at the church. I'm an old dog and pretty set in my ways so I don't see myself changing anytime soon.

Corey Graham
October 5th, 2011, 05:26 PM
Sometimes yes, sometimes no ... It depends usually on how much time I have to get to the reception and get set up. It's the least interesting part of the day, so I never lose much sleep if I don't include it.

Chris Harding
October 5th, 2011, 05:51 PM
Hi Kren

I don't believe in following the photog around like a puppy dog for the entire photo session basically filming the photog taking stills of the bridal party.

What I do is join the photog and then take the couple off to one side and for a little walk and do my own photoshoot on video on stedicam doing the usual (as Don calls them) "roundie rounds" (walking around the couple with the stedicam while they kiss etc etc.

I might also do some shots of the bridal party who are waiting in the wings while the photog does his/her thing with others but probably my total shoot time is under 30 mins in total...I probably end up using around 3-4 minutes of the footage set to a song!!!

I leave the photog with the bridal party (which makes the photog happy!!!) and usually go and set up at the reception and join the guests for pre-dinner drinks


Kren Barnes
October 5th, 2011, 10:30 PM
Thanks for the feedback guys! That's exactly what's been happening for us this year .sometimes there are 3-4 locations where we both have to go and shoot the B&G...i like Don's idea of limiting it or charging extra..however I would still like some more feedback on what others are doing...



Jeff Harper
October 5th, 2011, 11:23 PM
What you shoot should depend on what your customers want/expect. Talk to your clients. You will find most don't expect it or want it. It also drives many photographers nuts, which may be beside the point, but as mentioned I hate following them around like an idiot.

I used to do the park and church photo shoots, but that is not what most of my customers expect from a wedding video, and since I cut it out I've been a much happier camper, and my customers don't care one way or the other. If everything is in one location, and if I am able to set up for the reception and have time left over, I will then do some of it for filler, and it can be very nice, but I never tell them in advance I will do it for sure. I tell customers if there's time I will shoot some of it.

I used to take the photos from the couple's photographer, mix them with video from the same sessions, match them up, use flash effects, the works, and I see it now as a complete waste of time. It's nice, but I've done it once this year, and do not plan on doing it again if I can avoid it. Editing time alone is not feasible or worthwhile, and brides generally do not want to pay for it, and that is the key, will they pay for it?

Your packages should limit the number of locations you shoot, and should be priced accordingly, unless you charge a high, all-inclusive price with unlimited locations or something.

David Schuurman
October 6th, 2011, 12:11 AM
I go to the photo session, but I don't shoot over the photogs shoulder. We just shoot the "behind the scenes" type stuff, laughing, joking, that type of stuff. Then I'll arrange some shots with the B&G and sometimes the whole bridal party if I can visualize something. Do a couple "roundie rounds" and get a couple nice wide shots of the whole location and thats it. Its mostly for the highlight video but I include some in the feature.

Jeff Harper
October 6th, 2011, 12:14 AM
David, you are right, as that is what I film when there now, the extraneous stuff. It's fun, and makes for great video, particularly the candid stuff, which I can shoot now much more surreptitiously with a DSLR style camera.

Lindsey Daugherty
October 6th, 2011, 02:11 AM
We do pretty much what David does. Videos that include the photographer taking photos are a major pet peeve of mine so I don't bother with that, but shoot the more interesting interactions with people. There's definitely gold to be had during the photo session and we've not experienced people going to multiple locations for their photos - most don't seem to realize they need more than thirty minutes for their portraits!

Chris Bryan
October 6th, 2011, 06:11 PM
The getting ready portion of the day and the photo session are the two most important things to me. I don't limit the number of locations or anything like that. I hate charging clients extra, my packages includes everything and I'm not going to come hassling you for extra money. Now, my packages are based on a certain number of hours, with most clients getting 8 hours of coverage. During that 8 hours I will travel to as many locations as they need. Does the photographer charge extra for every location? None that I work with do, so why should the videographer?

I don't shoot over the photographer's shoulder, I shoot from unique angles and creative perspectives and while the couple may be in the same position for the photographer's photo and my video camera, the results are entirely different based on how I position myself.

Besides the vows and ring exchange, the ceremony and reception are often the most boring parts of the day for me.

Jeff Harper
October 6th, 2011, 08:30 PM
I offer an single camera 6 hour package for a low price, among other packages. It is wise to limit locations, because no sane videographer will shoot photo sessions at two different parks, then go downtown, pay for parking and trot around there for an hour, then shoot a ceremony, then another photo session after the ceremony, all AFTER starting 30 miles away at a cousins house where she got ready. Oh, and do it all for $1K. This is why we limit locations. We offer a low cost package meant for people with limited means, but there are also those that will take advantage and attempt to get $2K worth of video for under $1K by squeezing everything out of you they can.

And it's not the shooting I mind, even a few extra places, etc, it's the editing of a wedding video that's meant to be a straightforward doc of the ceremony and reception, that can end up containing a substantial amount of additional footage, which I in variably will want to spend time on and get creative with. If they want unlimited locations, they can pay the normal rate of a multicam wedding package, which is why we offer packages.

Chris Harding
October 7th, 2011, 06:55 AM
Hey Jeff

I have to get the bride to make a decision AFTER the ceremony!! The brides here seldom know where the photoshoot is going to be and leave it up to the photog. Once the formals are over I find out where they are going and then choose the venue that would suit me the most...(I tend to avoid places with 45 degree inclines and 200 stairs as me and the stedicam don't find those fun at all!!)

My "usual" excuse to the bride is that I need to get to the reception and setup and also do pre-dinner drinks with the guests hence the limited photoshoot location choice!!


Jeff Harper
October 7th, 2011, 07:12 AM
Chris, it is the opposite here, they often have everything planned out to the minute with a typed up timeline, but I often will not get this information until a short time before the wedding. If their timeline includes multiple parks, getting ready, and they have written that I'm going to be there, and if they have the minimal package, then I make the push for a proper package. I'm always flexible with the girls, and it somehow always works out.

For the ones like you describe, I will make a judgement call and do what is best, either participate or not, depending on the all factors: photog, timing, etc. It always works out one way or the other, just as it does for you with your brides.

Chris Bryan
October 7th, 2011, 10:07 PM
I'm in New York City. Very often brides get ready at a hotel in lower Manhattan, then get married at a church on the Upper East Side. Then they do photos in Central Park, under the Brooklyn Bridge and in front of the Flat Iron building or Grand Central Terminal, just to name a few locations before heading to the reception.

I offer packages as well, based on time. It seems ridiculous to me to say you have me for 8 hours, but I will only go to two locations. I would lose the client if I ever said that to a bride.

Eliezer Rodriguez
October 8th, 2011, 06:19 AM
My offers include the photog seesion (specially if it is my wife the photog). But, I always mention and it is even in my contract that when it is another photog the couple must ask permission. More than once has happened that the photog has said yes and then backfires no on the event. But in general it helps to maintain a good relationship with the breide and groom and the other photog.

Paul Mailath
October 9th, 2011, 07:22 AM
don't do photo shoots at all anymore - I explain to the bride that we cover the ceremony, congratulations & guests mingling until the bridal party leave for their photo shoot then we head straight to the reception venue and start filming there - that gives us plenty of time to set up and cover all the table decorations, cake, all the little bits & pieces they've chosen for the day. most don't question it but if they ask about the photo shoot I'll tell them if you really want video of you standing still having your photo taken, we can include that as an extra but our time is much better spent covering the venue & guests.

works for me

Chris Harding
October 9th, 2011, 08:57 PM
Hi Paul

Interesting..I also don't film the photog at work...seems pointless with the shots all posed ..that's why I grab the B&G and head away from the photog and let him/her/them play with the bridal party and it usually takes me less than 15 minutes to do. I then hand the B&G back to the photog and head for the reception!! I even do a photoshoot on my "Mini Package" which is basically ceremony only and I do a quickie stedicam shoot at the Church or venue before the photog takes them away. I actually love doing the mini ones as it's usually just a few hours and you are done!!!


Kelly Langerak
October 10th, 2011, 08:09 AM
The photo session is thee most important part of my day. This is where I can have the couple do easy but creative stuff that makes my product stand out from the rest. I don't shadow the photographer, I work with him/her. The photo session isn't just for the photographer, not for me anyways. After the photographer has them pose we step in and do our shot with the same pose or similar. If you take charge of this situation 9-10 photographers will have great respect for you and see that you are just as involved with the couple to make a amazing product as they are. I've heard from multiple photographers that they have never seen someone like us work the way we do. They end up asking for my card and I get referrals out of it all the time.

Just mention to the photographer that after they do each pose you would like to setup a quick shot. I have had the couple stand still for 3 minutes so we could get a time lapse shot of them while the photographers stood there and took pictures of the pose. I did feel a bit of unease but the shot was amazing in post production. Worth the 180 seconds! Then sometimes we do unique angles while the photographer is doing there thing too.

The photo session is the most stressful part of my day because I'm trying to do new and creative stuff on the fly with the couple w/o wasting too much time. I found the more that I'm confident in my work and working with the couples that the couple or the photographers are OK with it.

In the end it makes my product very cool and interesting to watch then when new couples come along they tell me they want that kind of stuff in their film too.

If you do just shadow the photographer and follow them around like a puppy you will look like a pud.

Chris Bryan
October 31st, 2011, 07:36 AM
I don't bother with the formal family portraits, but I rarely work with photographers who have the bride and groom stand in one place, we are always moving from location to location and I get amazing footage. 30 minutes is plenty of time for me to capture the guests at the cocktail hour and the reception details. Any more time than that and I would be twiddling my thumbs.