View Full Version : New to this joint

Will Gentile
October 4th, 2011, 08:27 PM
Hey all, just checking in as I am new here

came here to comb for information and hopefully share whatever I can (though, I have a lot more to learn than i do to offer)

I run a media company out of my home that focuses on motorsports media, mostly off road motorsports.

hope to stick around here for awhile, ive seen a lot of good information here already. My main camera is a Canon XF300 and I have an XHA1 as a secondary, with a 60D for my specialty/shallow DOF shots. D200 for dedicated stills but hopefully that is changing soon.

heres a couple random examples of some of my work just for laughs

King of the Hammers 2011:"Valley of the Kings" Official Trailer #1 - HeavyMetalConcepts/Hammerking - YouTube (

Brink of Control - GoPro / HeavyMetalConcepts - YouTube (

Ralph Gereg
October 4th, 2011, 08:41 PM
I guess i get to be the first to welcome you aboard there sir! Just watched your clips and really enjoyed them. Some really cool shots in the first video of the cars in the rocks. Thanks for sharing!

Chris Soucy
October 4th, 2011, 10:10 PM
Hi, Will................

From one Fairfield resident (and DVinfo - er) to another, welcome aboard.

I am usually to be found down in the Camera Support Forums, with occasional checks on the Canon Forums, and if you want to check out some of my reviews of the former, go to the Articles section, top of every page (you'll need to dig for some of them, a while ago).

Hope you enjoy your time here.


Edward Mendoza
October 5th, 2011, 12:06 PM
Will, verrrrry nice. Would've thought that was a trailer to a new show on A&E. I really enjoyed that.

Will Gentile
October 5th, 2011, 01:57 PM
thanks for the welcome and the props guys...i love desert racing (and woods racing)

theres definitely a certain epicness to the entire experience