Jase Tanner
October 2nd, 2011, 04:29 PM
I have some ProRes 422 footage that I need to deliver on 2 external drives. One of these will be for an editor (no idea which platform/NLE s/he might be using, in fact there could be more than one editor or more than one type of system) and the other drive is intended for people who will mostly likely just want to be able to watch some of the footage whether it be from a PC or a Mac.
I have done some research but not sure if what I've read is the most up to date option.
1. Drive file system? As I understand it, fat 32 is the only system readable by both Mac and PC and the max. file size of fat32 is 4 GB. Or is that history now? In any case, there are clips bigger than 4 GB
2. If said editor/s are PC based, will Apple ProRes QuickTime Decoder 1.0 for Windows give them what they need?
Apple ProRes QuickTime Decoder 1.0 for Windows (http://support.apple.com/downloads/Apple_ProRes_QuickTime_Decoder_1_0_for_Windows)
3. Or should I be downloading Apple ProRes QuickTime Decoder 1.0 for Mac and mastering with that. Not sure if this is needless or if it will even work as the support page indicates this is for 10.4. or 10.5 and I'm on 10.6.8
Apple ProRes QuickTime Decoder 1.0 for Mac (http://support.apple.com/downloads/Apple_ProRes_QuickTime_Decoder_1_0_for_Mac)
4. If fat 32 doesn't work, what are the options for those on a PC who simply want to view it? MacDrive?
Mediafour - MacDrive 9 Standard and Pro | (http://www.mediafour.com/macdrive)
5. Or should I consider transcoding it to another codec altogether.
Some of the footage was shot as HDV, the rest as AVCHD. All was imported as ProRes.
Thanks for any help.
I have done some research but not sure if what I've read is the most up to date option.
1. Drive file system? As I understand it, fat 32 is the only system readable by both Mac and PC and the max. file size of fat32 is 4 GB. Or is that history now? In any case, there are clips bigger than 4 GB
2. If said editor/s are PC based, will Apple ProRes QuickTime Decoder 1.0 for Windows give them what they need?
Apple ProRes QuickTime Decoder 1.0 for Windows (http://support.apple.com/downloads/Apple_ProRes_QuickTime_Decoder_1_0_for_Windows)
3. Or should I be downloading Apple ProRes QuickTime Decoder 1.0 for Mac and mastering with that. Not sure if this is needless or if it will even work as the support page indicates this is for 10.4. or 10.5 and I'm on 10.6.8
Apple ProRes QuickTime Decoder 1.0 for Mac (http://support.apple.com/downloads/Apple_ProRes_QuickTime_Decoder_1_0_for_Mac)
4. If fat 32 doesn't work, what are the options for those on a PC who simply want to view it? MacDrive?
Mediafour - MacDrive 9 Standard and Pro | (http://www.mediafour.com/macdrive)
5. Or should I consider transcoding it to another codec altogether.
Some of the footage was shot as HDV, the rest as AVCHD. All was imported as ProRes.
Thanks for any help.