Zach Love
October 2nd, 2011, 04:03 PM
This is from a few weeks ago, but I got excited by it when I saw it today.
Atomos Connect Converters (
The biggest thing I think is great with these converters is that they're built from the ground up to operate without AC power. One of the biggest things I've always thought when looking at AJA or Black Magic mini converters is "How do I power this if at the camera if I don't have an outlet near by?"
Built in battery is supposed to last 2 hours & will kick in automatically if external power (AC / battery) is lost. Smallest Sony L series battery is rated for 12 hours of life.
Though I really wonder how much of a selling point the LED torch is going to be. But maybe I'm wrong & there are a lot of people always screaming "I really wish I had a LED flash light built into my mini converter!!!!"
Jonathan Shaw
October 3rd, 2011, 04:20 PM
Converters look good, but I'm with you LED torch seams a little random
Zach Love
October 5th, 2011, 09:25 AM
Random indeed. Though I love tripods with a LED behind the leveling bubble, so I might never know how much I want something until I've used it & then have to go without. Depending on how the LED is implemented might be a great feature.
Though I'm thinking some way to do a locking HDMI connector would be something that would really be a selling point.
John Vincent
October 5th, 2011, 10:13 AM
I love flashlights - I have a sick love for them.
That said, not really sure why anyone would really need this device - you're still stuck with HDMI outs on whatever camera you're using (VG10/20, Canon DSLRs. FS100, etc), and this gizmo doesn't do anything to address that. I just ads another machine that can go wrong into the process.
I am missing something here?
Shaun Roemich
October 5th, 2011, 10:30 AM
John: LONG cable runs. HUGE improvement over HDMI. 75 feet versus 1000.
Plus, no issues with HDCP.
Zach Love
October 5th, 2011, 02:13 PM
Shaun: Where do you get your cables? I think I need to order some from your vendor. I've had trouble with HD-SDI runs over 300 feet, or less. And I've heard some people cautioning using HDMI over 25-30 feet.
A couple other reasons convertors like this are useful:
I'd much rather run a single BNC cable for HD-SDI than a thicker HDMI cable to a client monitor, video switcher etc.
EX1 & HPX170 are SDI out only, so if you want to attach to a HD "consumer" monitor you need to use component or HDMI.
I have to say again, I like that they have an internal battery & are built to run off of battery power w/o any extra adapters.
Shaun Roemich
October 5th, 2011, 02:46 PM
Zach: have my cables made for me. Good cable makes ALL the difference. Also should mention I have never used more than 400' out on an HD-SDI. Limits are theoretical. I also never used HDMI runs over 25 feet, and then ONLY for monitoring.
Craig Parkes
October 11th, 2011, 12:51 PM
LED torch says the really know their market. The largest market for such converters is likely to be event shooters who have to rig large venues but don't have a full onsite broadcast equipment.
Converters may need to be put in awkward places and rigged/derigged quickly, or sometimes cables need to be able to be swapped over during an event etc. If it gives you a free hand so you aren't fumbling with a torch in the dark of the back of some conference hall or local sports/concert arena even once in a high pressure situation then you'll be praising that little addition to friends/colleagues for years to come.